I'm looking for any/ all advice on how to improve the nursing relationship I have with my 4.5 month old. He had latch issues from the beginning, and I used a shield and pumped for the first 2 months. I would nurse 4 times a day and offer a bottle 4-5 times a day. At 2 months we weaned off the shield and everything was rainbows and sunshine until 3 months.
When LO was 3 months, i went back to work, and he went on a 7 day nursing strike. after continually offering the breast and doing all the recommendations (skin to skin, bath, offering breast for comfort) we eventually got back to at least nursing at night, but only w/ a shield.
I have since tried (and tried, and tried) to wean the shield again, but LO gets frustrated when I switch mid-feed. And now he will only nurse in the MOTN. I really wish i could get him to nurse 3-4 times a day again, when I am home!
Does anyone have experience getting a slightly older LO (4.5 months) back to breastfeeding after similar struggles? I really regret all of the bottle offering I did in the beginning, but I can't change it now. Is there anything I can do to make breastfeeding more enjoyable for him? I try different positions, but haven't found one he likes other than simple cradle. OR, should I just not put either of us through the fuss and be happy he still nurses in the MOTN and suck it up and pump the rest of the time?
I would really appreciate any help!