Last night, for the first time, I religiously used the 5 S's (Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Karp) to get LO to sleep (and after nightly feedings). Result? He slept for two three hour stretches then a two hour stretch (well, he made lots of dinosaur noises during that 2 hours, but he didn't fuss or cry). He went down VERY easily and each time about 5 minutes after I set him down, he yelped and fussed for about 10 seconds, then passed out. CRAZY!

Previously, I had used some of the Happiest Baby on the Block methods, but didn't really know what I was doing. I swaddled with arms on chest, didn't jiggle the right way, etc. He was sleeping really sporadically (a few two hour stretches as well as one hour stretches) and it took FOREVER to get him down. Yesterday, I watched the DVD and the result is a much better rested baby and mommy. Also, we had the AC on in our room, which I think may have been very good white noise for LO. He is usually also a terrible morning napper and he's been napping very well this morning. I think Mrs. Bee said sleep begets sleep and maybe I'm seeing this in action!