Baby Skipra has arrived! Baby boy skipra (name TBD) arrived May 8th at 5:20 pm 7lbs 15 oz and 21 in. This is our second baby. DS1 was born by induction at 39 weeks for IUGR so I never experienced the discomforts of late pregnancy until this time. I was determined to walk our little guy out and after a 4 mile walk on my due date I started experiencing crampiness and some very mild contractions. My mom lives a bit over an hour away and was planning to come the next morning to watch DS1 during my midwife appointment but we decided she should come that night just in case. DH got home from work and we had a normal evening. When giving DS1 his bath I thought I peed myself but it actually turned out to be blood. It was flowing out so I was worried and called the midwife. We decided to get it checked out after getting DS to bed and my mom arriving. Everything was fine luckily and the bleeding started to slow when we got to the hospital. The midwife checked me and I was only 2 cm dilated. 20% effaced and at -1 station. Contractions were not strong or consistent so we went home. Sleep was fleeting because contractions were strong enough I couldn't sleep through them. Poor DS kept waking up so DH tended to him a good part of the night and also didn't sleep much. By morning contractions were pretty steady about 8 minutes apart but not too painful yet. We all got up for the day and went for a couple walks and contractions got to about every 6 minutes but it still felt like early labor. A little before lunch exhaustion hit me so I snoozed a little on the couch and contractions actually decreased to about every 12 minutes. They started to get stronger and more painful but were still manageable. We went to the appointment with the midwife and she checked me around 2:30pm. She checked me and I had progressed to almost 5 cm with bulging bag. Contractions were totally imconsistent and manageable and she could tell how exhausted I was so she told me to go home take some tylenol pm immediately and get some rest because I would definitely go into active labor that night. I was a little concerned about going into labor during rush hour because we moves recently and the hospital is not that close.
On the ride home I had a few monster contractions and looking at the other side of the highway commented to DH that I wasn't going to be able to make the return trip if it was going to be even more painful. I should have made him turn around and go to the hospital! We got home and I took the sleepy medicine and had a couple really major contractions. Poor DS was so scared so my mom took him for a walk. Right after they left and the pills kicked in I had a super strong contraction and my water broke. It was probably about 4pm at this point. We rushed out the door and traffic wasn't that bad but started to back up as contractions went from every 5 minutes to every 2-3 and i started to feel the urge to push. About halfway to the hospital DH pulled off the highway and called 911. The ambulance, firetruck, and police officers arrived so fast. They loaded me in and told me unless I wanted them to deliver the baby we had to go to a different hospital. DH had to follow them rather than come with us. I got to the hospital at 5 pm and was ready to push. Baby was at +2 station and I was fully dilated. I begged for an epidural and flat out denied because it was too late. Somehow DH arrived and I tried pushing the normal way but couldn't do it. I just wanted to be on my hands and knees during contractions so they unstrapped me from the monitors so I could move around once I was ready I started pushing. Omg it hurt but I got DS out without any tears or stitches. He was born just 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital, 1 hour after my water broke, and less than 3 hours after I was checked at 4 cm. After labor with DS1 and a very lovely epidural I never planned to go all natural but I guess sometimes you don't get the option! I tore a tiny bit with DS 1 even though he was 2 lbs smaller so i really think this time it was the freedom to push in the position that felt right that prevented tearing.
I the frenzy my phone got left in the ambulance so pictures will come later.