It seems like most of the birth stories I've heard IRL and read online include the phrase "and then baby's heart rate dropped".
I was wondering if that is my perception since it was a significant part of LOs birth or if it is really common.
It seems like most of the birth stories I've heard IRL and read online include the phrase "and then baby's heart rate dropped".
I was wondering if that is my perception since it was a significant part of LOs birth or if it is really common.
160 votes
grapefruit / 4862 posts
I don't THINK so, I think I'd remember that? I had to get oxygen (for me) at one point but I think I"d remember if her HR dropped. I will confirm with DH though, but I'm 95% "nope."
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Yes, I was sitting in bed reclining back and it dropped. They had me turn on my side and then he was fine.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I always wonder in these situation, how do they determine either:
"Oh just turn on your side and lets see if that fixes it" or
"Rush to the OR, stat!"
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Yep. All night long, but they would move me into a different position and it would be fine. I had an oxygen mask for awhile too.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Yes-- or rather, they were having a hard time tracking it and getting a reading after each contraction but it seemed like it was dropping and not picking back up like it should, if I'm remembering correctly. They ended up using a vacuum assist on the last push because they just wanted her out fast. In my end of labor haze, I remember thinking they were just overreacting and it was the monitor not picking it up correctly, not that there was any problem with the baby, but that I wanted to be done too so I'd go along with them and push as hard as possible, like I wasn't already.
She was born screaming so there was no problem, and they said after there was no indication of any problem so they don't know what caused it-- so maybe I was right. But I do know it was scarier for DH than me. And the midwives transferred care to an OB (in the same room, just had the OB come in) because of the 'complication'. Better be safe than sorry for sure.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
Ya, they moved me into different positions and it didn't help.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
We were told that with Charlie. They kept having me move positions because his heart rate kept dropping.
But no problems with Olive!
pomelo / 5720 posts
No. I kept thinking they were going to tell me that when I was pushing (1 hr 45 mins) but thankfully it never happened!
nectarine / 2530 posts
Yes, they had me change position to my side and gave me an oxygen mask and she did well after that. Unfortunately the position caused me to have an uneven epidural experience.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@kjpugs: usually they give mom oxygen when they're trying to bring baby's hr up so I bet her hr was low.
pomelo / 5298 posts
Yes, but I wasn't exactly told. They put me on oxygen and started moving me quickly. After a few requests for me to move in less than 5 minutes, I realized this wasn't normal and finally asked what was going on.
I had been induced, and as a result they stopped the pitocin during this. They got a stable heartrate but as soon as the pitocin was re-introduced the heartrate difficulty started again. It was off to the OR for me.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Didn't happen to me during labor, but did happen to me during an ER visit in the middle of my pregnancy. All the nurses in the ER freaked out and came sprinting into my room and scared the crap out of me. Turns out my LO was squeezing the umblical cord and cutting off her own oxygen/blood supply. Fun times.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Yes. But the real issue was that at two different times it wasn't picking up again after a contraction ended. There was one really scary moment when some alarm went off and a ton of people raced into the room and gave me oxygen and more fluids, and put in nan internal monitor. It was terrifying.
The other time was during pushing. They basically told me I had to get her out immediately. She wasn't breathing when she was born, and was pretty purple and limp. She had aspirated a LOT of meconium. Everything ended well though!
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
Yes, his heart rate started dropping when I wasn't pushing. I guess he really wanted to get out of there.
papaya / 10473 posts
My LO's heart rate dropped intermittently during labor. They gave me an oxygen mask and moved me around to help it.
kiwi / 673 posts
Yes, my LO's heart rate dropped. I had to be put on oxygen and to try changing positions for it. It kept dropping on and off in a concerning for a few hours (long labor), and contributed to the need for a c-section.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
@MamaMoose: She was actually squeezing her own umbilical cord? That is crazy!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@BakerBee: yes it's apparently quite normal! They practice their grip that way. My nurse was also pregnant and she told me that during one of her ultrasounds her baby was CHEWING on his umbilical cord. Babies be crazy.
papaya / 10570 posts
Yes, while I was pushing. They said she had gotten tired and they needed her out immediately.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
No. They had trouble picking up her hr and switched monitors at one point, but she was always fine, even though I had an unscheduled intervention early. Even during the u/s where they decided to induce, she was doing fine!
grapefruit / 4862 posts
@Ash: I just asked DH, he said he didn't recall them saying anything about LO, that he believes they said it was something about my blood/oxygen level? But who knows I pushed for more than 5 hours, with 13 hours of labor at the hospital overnight with no sleep, so I was most definitely struggling!
pineapple / 12802 posts
Yes. Multiple times through early labour, he was so small and contractions were too intense for him. Once labour was going ok, it started to drop again while he was crowning because he was tired and tiny and they needed him out immediately.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Yes. Trying to put in the internal monitor so I could use my birthing ball. It was hell the first two attempts and when they succeeded his heart rate dropped and they put me on oxygen and rolled me around and pressed on my belly. It was scary.
It didn't last long but I regretted ever wanting to get out of bed and having to get the internal monitor. I felt like I had hurt him.
kiwi / 524 posts
Yes. LO had worrying heart rate decelerations the whole time I was in labor. That was the reason for my c-section. He had great Apgar scores and was perfectly healthy, though.
nectarine / 2504 posts
Yep--they gave me an oxygen mask and had me lay on my left and all was fine.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Yes with DS. I was induced and at the start of pitocin, we started having heart decels immediately and had to turn the pitocin off with the threat of a c-section. eventually, they found out if i lied in a certain position, it was better.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
Yes. When I stood up to go to te bathroom his hr dropped. The first two times it happened(both when I stood up), it went back up when I went and laid on my side. The third time, they tried multiple positions and nothing helped, it wouldn't rebound. They never tried oxygen though.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Yes, while pushing. They gave me an oxygen mask and that was about the time the OB gave me a episiotomy to get him out.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
We actually had the issue of a very increased heart rate, not a drop. I got a fever and they were scared of infection and stress to the baby.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Yep...not even hard labor and baby lost her heartbeat. Didn't happen with either of my boys.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
Yes, that is why I ended up with a csection for my first- heart rate dropping and not recovering between contractions.
pomegranate / 3791 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I don't think they'd rush you straight to the OR unless it was a really extreme heart rate drop. Or unless you had a c-section prone doctor I guess, but that's very much not the case in my area/hospital!
But yep I heard this...and ugh, it was such a roller coaster from there. They started with position changed, then added oxygen. It wasn't helping, so they took me to the OR to monitor me and prepped me for a C-section just in case so that everything wouldn't be as frantic if it did become necessary - they would've gone ahead and done it if I'd wanted them to, but I did not. After awhile they decided that baby seemed to be doing well enough to send me back to my room, and to rest until I was ready to push since I was getting close at 7cm dilated. Then the heart rate dropped yet again, more position changes, more oxygen, back to the OR...and 10 minutes later there was a severe enough dive that they couldn't risk waiting and the C-section became mandatory instead of optional.
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