160 votes
coconut / 8430 posts
Yes LO's heart rate was really high then would drop on contractions. It was really scary and we had to get her out right away.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
I think with Ds1 when he was moving down just before i started pushing it may have but the nurse said it was normal and didn't do amything so i voted no. I only arrived at the hospital to push with Ds2 so i was only monitored a few minutes amd everything was fine.
persimmon / 1420 posts
DS's heart rate would drop whenever I would stand up, so I got to spend 12 glorious hours on my back. Ugh.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
With my first they were worried bc LO heart rate got too steady, so I had to change positions frequently and get an oxygen mask. It happened right after I got an epidural so I think maybe my body relaxed more and baby decided to take a nap or something bc she'd been doing fine before. There were also a few times where the heartrate monitor just stopped picking her up bc of the way she moved around and right before pushing it looked like she had major deceleration but it was just bc she was so low.
pear / 1812 posts
If it did they never told me. She did wiggle around a bunch more than normal for being in labor so they were constantly having to re-adjust the monitor (I was forced to be on because of the induction... Ugh) So, if it happened, I have no idea. I am sure a flux in heart-rate is normal so long is it is within a normal range.
clementine / 828 posts
I voted no, because they never said that, but I think it did drop because they gave me oxygen.
nectarine / 2973 posts
No, we actually had the opposite problem. Her heart rate was through the roof the whole time.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Probably depends on how far it drops and for how long and if it responds to any intervention. My LO's heart rate dropped when I'd have a contraction because after my water broke his cord must have been getting leaned on somehow. They changed my position and that helped a bit. They stopped the very little amount of pitocin that they'd started and that helped. The nurse said they don't worry too much when the heart rate goes back up to baseline when you aren't contracting. Which his was- so that is why they didn't rush me off to the OR. I hope I am remembering that correctly...
ETA, Now I think I am remembering that wrong actually. I think it is normal for it to drop during a contraction but it is supposed to go back up in between and LO's wasn't going all the way back up...? So that is why they moved me around etc., I think...
coconut / 8483 posts
It dropped after they tried to turn him (he was face up). He had to be vacuumed out after that.
persimmon / 1198 posts
My baby had constant HR dips during contractions that were going back up to baseline quick enough (which is the problem because I think it's pretty normal for there to be a slight dip) and it is what lead to my eventual c-section. He was likely positioned funny (possibly putting too much pressure on his cord) and just didn't handle contractions well because of it.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
Nope, but it probably would have if I had tried vaginally. He had to be vacuumed out during the c-section because he was so stuck.
honeydew / 7230 posts
I delivered my daughter (twin a) vaginally without any heartbeat issues (other than problems keeping her on the monitors because she was so low), but once she was out my son's heartbeat plummeted and wouldn't recover so he was an emergency c section.
pomelo / 5820 posts
Nope. They actually kept remarking on how impressed they were with how he handled my contractions.
I had read lots of accounts of heart rate drops during contractions, so I was prepared for them to tell me I needed oxygen or to move me into another position. Fortunately, that wasn't the case.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@T.H.O.U.: They base it off of the trend of the heart rate decelerations in relation to the contractions and positioning. You can usually tell if it's just because the blood supply is being restricted to the baby or if it's something to really be worried about (true fetal distress).
bananas / 9118 posts
Yes, with #1 there were some dips, but nothing of any big concern. I had to turn and move around some to keep him happy and I had oxygen, but I don't think it was far beyond what is considered normal.
Very minimal with #2, the actual delivery was so fast that I don't remember much, I did have a mask on briefly but he was out before I knew it.
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
Nope, not for either girl.
DD2 only had 2 HR checks though, she was born fast
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