Three weeks ago I gave out 7 invites for a dinner that I told people about 4 weeks before that (total of 7 weeks notice). I asked people to let me know by last Sunday. I had 1 person tell me no, nobody else responded. I started to tack down the rest and ended up with 3 yeses, another no, and 1 person who still didn't respond. Two days later I was told that a yes became a no. Today another yes became a no and 1 person still didn't let me know. Tomorrow is the dinner and another person just told me that they probably won't be able to come.
Instead of a fun dinner for 7, I have a 2 people maybe coming over. It doesn't matter that I've started the cooking already, have table decor, and that I made sure to send out invites, etc.
People are seriously inconsiderate sometimes!