I am officially 2-3 days late, but didn't get my + OPK until 2-3 days later then usual, so I not completely surprised, however my LP seems to be longer as well- when looking at when I possibly ovulated. This cycle has been strange- I had brown spotting for 3 days Midcycle, prior to ovulation. OB said it was "a fluke" to keep testing for LH surge- well I got it 2-3 days late. OPKs were + for about 5 days. (new OPKs so not sure what to make of that).
I tested 2 days ago (DPO 7 and got a stark negative) I then tested on DPO 8- also negative, but I threw it away after the allotted 5 minutes. 12 hrs later- I got what is most likely an evap line. Too nervous to test again. I am DPO 9 or 10 right now...
Sound somewhat anovulatory? Long, mid cycle spotting? I never ever have spotting or irregular cycles...
I'm going crazy just waiting...