me crazy but I totally have anxiety about being away from work for 3 months.
I work in a relatively small department (thankfully we have filled one of two open spots) and I have 3 months to train the person who will be closest to "taking over for me" before I go on leave. I have serious anxiety over being away for so long and what I'll be coming back to when LO starts day care. Not that I dont trust those I work with but I feel like I have spent my two years here building a well oiled machine and am scared of what my fall apart/transpire while I am gone. I am not management level (right below it) so its not like I oversee the whole department but I do feel my contributions are a significant part of this department functioning well.
I asked my boss yesterday to please include me in emails even when I am on leave as I will be interested in checking in and may even be able to help out from time to time with simple questions.
Am I crazy? Did others feel this way? How was it when you went back?