I've been TTC for about 17 months now. I went off BC in Aug. '14 and didn't get a natural cycle until Aug. '15. I had my thyroid removed back in Dec. '11 do to Thyroid Cancer and it turns out my thyroid levels were surpressing my ovulation. I tried Clomid and Femara and nothing was working! If I did ovulate, I get my period about 6-7 days later. I had a laprascopy done and everything is fine. No PCOS or Endo. The only thing I suffer from is low progesterone. Once I adjusted my thyroid levels, I started ovulating on my own. The only problem I'm facing now is a short Luteal phase. My Luteal phase is 8 days. It started as 6 and over the months it has grown to 8. It's been consistently 8 days now for the past 3 cycles. I've tried B6 and vitamin C. My gyno wants me to try Femara one more time to see if I get a healthy O. If I do, I will continue with the Femara. If I don't, it off to an RE I go. Has anyone had any success with pregnancy with a short Luteal?