So I have just found out that my MW will be moving.... before anyone freaks out for me, she said that she wouldn't be "gone gone" until her current mommas deliver so she'll still be caring for me & this pregnancy BUT my question is about a future instance (b/c I'm a crazy planner & can't help but think about my future pregnancies with this new news).....

My MW is the last MW we have servicing our area SO it wouldn't be crazy to think that after this pregnancy we won't have the option of a MW attended homebirth.

Of course our hospitals still don't allow vbacs (and don't look like they'll be changing that) and our obgyns are all horrible (really... I know more moms that had horrible births b/c things their providers did than moms that had good experiences). I know my rights & know that I *could* still have a vbac at the hospital if I really wanted to push & just ignore the system, but really... who wants to do that?...

Thus I come to my question.... by the time I get to this point I would have had 3 children with 2 vbacs.... would you as a doula be willing to take on a mom as a client that was planning an unassisted birth?

No, I'm not saying that is what I would absolutely plan... but it's also not something that would never consider, just wanted to get thoughts of doulas considering this particular situation.

disclaimer: I am aware how most feel about unassisted births so telling me that is crazy, stupid, unsafe, etc is NOT what I'm looking for... I'm asking strictly about doulas having a client that is planning or considering an unassisted birth & how that would affect your consideration of taking them on.