I need the help/advice of any piano players!

My husband has wanted to learn to play the piano as long as I've known him (over 12 years). He grew up with a piano in his house, so he's always played around on it, but never had lessons. He's pretty musically inclined, so he can play a few songs by ear, but he doesn't know the notes or any of that. For the past few months, he's really been talking about finally sitting down and learning to play for real - I think it's because it's something he'd like to pass down to Sadie.

I say all of this, because his birthday is next month & I'd really like to get him lessons as his gift. I also want to get him a keyboard. His parents are willing to give us their piano, but we don't have any room for it in this house.

So, is a keyboard alright for learning to play? I know the sound and functionality is a little different, but it's kind of our only option at this point. Will he be able to learn & practice alright with a keyboard? If so, do you have any recommendations? I went on Amazon and there are a zillion keyboards & I am totally overwhelmed!

I REALLY appreciate any help!