LO is 6 weeks old and breastfeeding like a champ. Surprisingly, I am really enjoying breastfeeding (except for the fact that it makes me solely responsible for night wakings).
He has had 2 straight days of mucousy diapers. His temp was 98s yesterday, but spiked to 99.7 last night at 9pm, back to 98.6 in the MOTN, and low 99s today. He has no other symptoms.
The ped wanted us to come in, so we did. She wants me to eliminate dairy and is confident that is the cause. The issue is... I only eat breads and dairy. Literally that's all I eat. Every doctor I've ever seen, including my OB, has been totally fine with this. I take vitamins and get comprehensive blood tests yearly. Please don't comment on / attack me for this diet, I would LOVE to eat like a normal person but other foods, even when hidden, make my stomach churn.
So, I'm going to start by decreasing dairy. Elimination would be honestly impossible for me. If decreasing dairy doesn't work, we will probably start combo feeding with hypoallergenic or elemental formula, and then if that doesn't work, I guess we'll switch to exclusively formula. I really hope this is not the end result; I really treasure (most of) our breastfeeding times.
Anyways... Soooo.... Has anyone had success just decreasing dairy? Any encouraging stories?
Eta: I'm supposed to eliminate nuts too, esp since DH is allergic. Not a big deal bc my only nuts are peanut butter sometimes and Tagalongs but, that also means I can't switch to almond milk, etc.