LO is 11 months and has been sleeping through the night for a few months. I still nurse/rock her to sleep at night, though she can put herself to sleep at daycare and for overnight wakeups without issue. We never used CIO, the timing just never felt right.

About two weeks ago, LO started screaming hysterically in her crib about 15 or 20 minutes after being put down asleep. The first few times it happened, I was terrified that something awful had happened to her - she bolts upright from laying down to standing up and is absolutely inconsolable for a few minutes. She has never screamed like this except when in pain (shots/blood draws/etc) and and is sweaty and out of breath by the time I get her calmed down. We are now at the point that this is happening 2 - 3 times per night, (though occasionally she'll have a night without one) and then she sleeps through the rest of the night without issue. Unfortunately, it takes 15 - 30 minutes to get her back to sleep each night, so I am spending 2+ hours on this nightly!

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice? I've tried motrin (she's teething) and gas drops, but nothing seems to make a difference in the number of wakeups. She hasn't been sick, and nothing else has changed.