Hello all! Just got a surprise BFP the other day LO is a year old and we were planning to wait longer, but....looks like #2 is on his/her way. Anyway, now onto figuring out logistics. For my first, born by c section, I took 8 weeks of maternity leave. My work situation has changed and I am wondering if I could get away with only taking 6. My maternity leave will be unpaid so it would just be easier financially if I went back. I honestly can't remember what those last 2 weeks were like and if I would have been able to go back. I do know I had started exercising again by then so I'm thinking that I could physically do it. Anyone take so little? Scary thought to me! Things would definitely be better if we had a little more time to build up some savings so we would be less financially burdened by the time off....