Baby is 2 weeks old and we are getting better and better at BFing, but due to my rough recovery (third degree tear, blood transfusion), it seems my body had trouble at the beginning producing what LO needed. The first night home (3 days old) we began supplementing with formula and then added in expressed breast milk because a) I was so physically exhausted and could barely stand or walk and b) my nipples were cracked and bleeding. We got a nipple shield which has made BFing much easier, but I would like to wean off that eventually as well as cut out formula completely. We are now giving him approximately 6 oz of forumla a day the rest from the breast or expressed breast milk.

If you supplemented with formula in the beginning, did you want to and were you able to eventually eliminate it and rely exclusively on breast milk? Any tips? I started eating oatmeal, drinking mother's milk tea, and I have an amazon order in for fenugreek and milk plus tincture.