Hellobee Boards


April 2018 POAS

  1. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    @MamaBear87: Agreed with @Sams Mom. I think you're fine. He'll have fresh ones in a couple days afterward.

    @MsHangry: Welcome and good luck!

  2. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @Sams Mom: it actually can also harm immature sperm and it takes 3 months to mature sperm so harming all of them like that can be really bad. There's just debate about what temperature and how long is really an issue. So we'll likely skip it just to be safe

  3. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @afc061018: my Poas date is now 4/9 ☺

  4. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    TTC sex is so unromantic. I'm counting down the days until we can stop, ugh. What with having 4 losses in the last year, (and only 2 non-pregnancy cycles), it has been hard to pin down what a "normal" cycle looks like for me. I know I've previously ovulated as early as CD10 and as late as CD15 and that I don't usually get a positive OPK until the day I actually ovulate. In all 5 cycles that I got pregnant, I had sex every single day of my fertile window. In all 9 cycles I tried but didn't get pregnant, I had sex/insemination 2-3 times in my fertile window. Which means starting sex at CD7 and just trucking on until confirmed O, ugh.

  5. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    April Poas

    POAS Date
    Ginaandcorey: 4/2
    Lilyofthewest: 4/3-4/6?
    Mshangry: 4/4
    Badgermom: 4/5
    Motherunner: 4/6
    MrsMom: 4/8
    Mamabear87: 4/9
    Lazb: 4/12ish
    Sams-mom: 4/13
    AFC061018: 4/16

    All the this month! Any updates please reply.

  6. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @lilyofthewest: I feel you on the unromantic part. Some nights its just "hey, we need to do it." We have 4 months left before my husband goes back on nights. which makes it even worse because it's heavily scheduled TTC sex.

    Hopefully you get your + OPK soon!

  7. BadgerMom

    persimmon / 1385 posts

    @lilyofthewest: Ugh I know. We started off pretty well this cycle but were definitely done by the end.

  8. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    Oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m so excited!!!! I was so worried this clomid round wouldn’t work! I took two just to be safe.....and soooo glad we BDed this morning

  9. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts


  10. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @lilyofthewest: my hubby is still into it and I'm just like ok let's make a baby. Lol I feel bad! But agree with the unromatic part

    @MrsMom: yay! Always the best feeling when you already got bd in

  11. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @MamaBear87: Such a good feeling. Ava said today was my peak and I thought for sure it was off, but it must have caught something I did not see. Amazing! We didn't BD yesterday which now I'm upset about.

  12. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    I’m impressed with how many of you are BD everyday! I’m feeling a little meh this cycle, we had a busy stressful week my week of O (my daughter had a planned surgery and overnight hospital stay) so we only got it in twice, I think the day before and day after O was expected. Last cycle we BD every day in the fertile window and then I ovulated late (wahhh wahhh). Not ready to temp or do OPKs yet. Fingers crossed that all this BD will pat off for some this month!!

  13. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @motherunner: I hope your daughter is doing well! We try to take a more relaxed approach, we just BD when we want. DH has made it known he doesn't want to know when I O (stage fright?)so I just try to keep it light and fun and go with the flow whether that means everyday or EOD.

    DH went into work later today and surprised meat work with my favorite coffee drink and I was so excited about getting my positive OPK I almost blurted it out to him But I contained myself.

  14. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @motherunner: we had tons of sex when we conceived our daughter and we have less now that we have an lo. We're now on cycle 7 of trying so we've really tried to have tons of sex this month, there's some research that you get less but better quality sperm with 2 ejaculations in an hour so we managed to do that twice in my fertile window this month so hoping this is it.

    @MrsMom: lol probably for the best. The hubby's just don't quite get the excitement 😂

  15. Spinny

    cherry / 125 posts

    Cycle Day: 10
    TTC Cycle: 13 - 2nd on clomid
    Ovulation Date: April 4th (expected)
    POAS Date: April 14th
    Baby #: 2

    This is my first POAS post, I'm hoping it brings me luck!

  16. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @Spinny: Welcome to our Crazy!! Wishing you all the luck!

  17. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @MamaBear87: You're right, He'd just look at me like I'm Crazy! Which at this moment I totally am because I would have much rather jumped his bones than get a coffee! Positive OPK crazies but I'll blame it on the Clomid. HAHAHA

  18. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Spinny: Welcome! We're almost the same # of cycles TTC #2 and I am also on my 2nd month of Clomid! Best of luck to you.

  19. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @motherunner: I didn't plan daily this month, but we're on a 3 day streak, so hopefully it pans out (usually we go for EOD).

    I hope your daughter is doing well after her surgery!

  20. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    April Poas

    POAS Date
    Ginaandcorey: 4/2
    Lilyofthewest: 4/3-4/6?
    Mshangry: 4/4
    Badgermom: 4/5
    Motherunner: 4/6
    MrsMom: 4/8
    Mamabear87: 4/9
    Lazb: 4/12ish
    Sams-mom: 4/13
    Spinny: 4/14
    AFC061018: 4/16

    All the this month! Any updates please reply.

  21. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    Ok, all, I have a TMI question for you. I remember reading somewhere, but can't recall exactly where, that someone had an odd AF while on Femara. Mine lasted a day and a half—the shortest by a long shot for me—with barely any bleeding. I thought this might've been because I'd had a HSG and did lose some blood from that (they "clipped" my cervix to insert the catheter), so I thought I must not have had a lot left for AF. But now I'm three days past the end of AF and still having once or twice daily spotting. Anyone ever hear of spotting while on Femara? Is that what's going on?

  22. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Um am I imagining this?
    This can’t be what I think it is, right? I mean LO#1 required IVF. And we aren’t even really trying right now.

  23. Ginaandcorey

    cherry / 161 posts

    @afc061018: ✋ me. I never spot after my period but spotted for 3 days after this month, my first month on Femara.

  24. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @MrsMom: thank you! She is doing well. A quick recovery just stressful anticipating the procedure and spending a day and a half in the hospital away from our other daughter. She is happy and back to her normal self!

    I agree about the relaxed approach and not trying to put a ton of pressure on ourselves. But I’m the same way if I see fertile CM as you are with the positive OPK, Ready to jump him ASAP! Is this your first round of clomid?

  25. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @yellowbeach: I can definitely see a line! What a blessing! Do you know how many DPO you might be?

  26. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @MamaBear87: I didn’t know that! Are you worried about quality or just trying to give it your best shot since it has been 7 months? I totally get trying to do everything in your power when you know part of it is out of your control.

  27. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @Spinny: welcome and hoping for first time posters luck for you!

  28. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @Sams Mom: thank you she is doing well! Kids are resilient. Always a plus if your schedule mood just works out to have a nice streak during your fertile period! Hoping it does pan out for you this month!

  29. motherunner

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @yellowbeach: not imagining it!!! Congrats!

  30. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @motherunner: Glad to hear she's doing well! children in hospitals is so stressful.

    This is my first Clomid cycle this TTC journey. I got pregnant on my second round with my son 4 years ago. And I "try" to stay relaxed in my fertile window but it's almost impossible, my heart is always racing I just have a good poker face LOL

  31. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @yellowbeach: I'm seeing it too!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  32. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @MrsMom: By my best count 14DPO... took a few more just now! I think it's real

  33. MrsMom

    kiwi / 568 posts

    @yellowbeach: Congratulations!!! So happy for you!

  34. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @yellowbeach: congrats! So exciting!!

  35. MamaBear87

    nectarine / 2288 posts

    @motherunner: we got pregnant first try the first go round so most likely hubby's counts are good. But we're now past the time frame for trying with good timing where most people are pregnant so just trying to do as much as we can to boost chances

  36. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    @yellowbeach: Huge congratulations!! That's amazing!

  37. afc061018

    apricot / 301 posts

    @Ginaandcorey: I thought there was someone! I'm in the same boat, so you aren't alone.

  38. MsHangry

    apricot / 422 posts

    Got a positive OPK yesterday morning! So I ovulated a day later than my pre-IUD cycle would have anticipated. We BD last night, so we shall see...

  39. Spinny

    cherry / 125 posts

    @MrsMom @motherunner: Thanks!
    @Sams Mom: Thanks, you too! Did you conceive your first child easily? It took me almost a year to get pregnant with my son, but I did get pregnant with no intervention. I'm hoping clomid is answer this time!

    @yellowbeach: Congrats!

  40. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Spinny: my son has a surprise baby. We got married in May, I said no babies for 3 years, miscounted my cycle days after having a weird cycle, and find out I was 6 weeks pregnant 3 months after we got married. 3 1/2 years of natural family planning/pull and pray failed me. We started trying for #2 right around our son's 1 birthday and he'll be 2 in about a week. Hopefully cycle #12 is my lucky one!

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