I know it's early, but I missed all of March and I'm itching for April and decided to go ahead and create the board. Good luck, everyone!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
I know it's early, but I missed all of March and I'm itching for April and decided to go ahead and create the board. Good luck, everyone!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
apricot / 301 posts
Cycle Day: Waiting for AF to start next week. For a lot of reasons that would take a while to type, I went on BC per my RE's instructions for the month of March. Getting ready to go off of it on Sunday!
TTC Cycle: I can't even remember now. So many. Off and on since 2016.
Ovulation Date: using a trigger shot, but I'm guestimating somewhere around 4/6
POAS Date: Probably around 4/16.
Baby #: 1
We're doing our first assisted cycle, a medicated IUI. DH's analysis came back good to great, my hormones were within normal ranges, but my follicle count was on the lower side. A HSG showed no blockages, but I have one, possibly two, fibroids that they're going to leave be for now. The RE said I don't have to keep temping with the medicated cycle, which, after so many months of temping, feels so weird!
apricot / 302 posts
@afc061018: I'm going to take a break from the POAS board this cycle but I just wanted to say good luck with your first medicated IUI! Crossing my fingers for you!
kiwi / 568 posts
Cycle Day:5
TTC Cycle:4 we took March off. First round with Clomid.
Ovulation Date:03/28ish
POAS Date:04/08
Baby #:2
Not sure how I feel this cycle since it took me two clomid cycles to get pregnant last time.
Good luck to everyone!
nectarine / 2288 posts
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle: 7
Ovulation Date: 3/21
POAS Date: 4/4
Baby #: 2, we have an awesome 2 year old
7 cycles seems like forever. But feeling way more relaxed now that I've decided I would be ok with 1 if that's what happens.
to everyone!
apricot / 301 posts
@Mrs Lavender: Thank you! I took March off, so I understand. FWIW, I also posted over on your IUI board. Didn't want you to feel lonesome over there.
persimmon / 1385 posts
Cycle Day: 9
TTC Cycle: 3 or 4
Ovulation Date: 24th
POAS Date: 4/5
Baby #: 2, DS will be 4 the end of May
Because I can't quiet my crazy side--
I bought the Clearblue Advanced OPKs. They're expensive, so I think i'll use them until I get the blinking smiley (estrogen surge) tells me I'm in my fertile period and then switch to my regular cheapie OPKs to detect my LH surge for ovulation.
I'm hoping the fancy OPKs will help me tell when I'm in my fertile period because I'm not going to check my cervical mucus. I'm convinced since I have to check internally to get a good sample I'm removing it all and nothing is left when we BD lol.
I can't decide how to feel about last cycle since I'm pretty sure it was a chemical pregnancy. Should I feel hopeful that we technically got pregnant within three cycles and that at least we know things are working to that point? Or should I be worried that something is wrong?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@BadgerMom: most of your cm is actually in your cervix so I don't think you can steal it all
Make sure you double check but I know the digital opks are weird and you might mess them up by never getting a peak because they "learn you"
I feel you on the not knowing how to feel when it's taking longer the second time.
cherry / 161 posts
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date: 3/19 or 3/20
POAS Date: 4/2
Baby #: 2
I'm on the crazy train. OB sent me to RE because I'm an old lady and I finished my first round of Femara a few days ago. Using clearblue digital Ovulation kit. I need this to happen soon or we're giving up (see: age).
grapefruit / 4492 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 12 (2nd on Clomid? Maybe Femara, talking to my doctor Monday)
Ovulation Date: TBD CD14 on Clomid last month
POAS Date: April 13 ish
Baby #: 2 (son will be 2 in a few weeks)
kiwi / 568 posts
@BadgerMom: He’s 3. I used clearblue advanced last pregnancy and I liked using them, this time I’m using cheapies. If I don’t get pregnant in the next two cycles I might invest in the clearblue again. Let us know how you like them.
apricot / 301 posts
April Poas
Ginaandcorey: 4/2
MrsMom: 4/8
Mamabear87: 4/4
Badgermom: 4/5
Sams-mom: 4/13
AFC061018: 4/16
All the this month! Any updates please reply.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: 3/31ish
POAS Date: 4/12ish
Baby #: 4
Hopeful for this cycle, but feel better knowing I have a plan for testing and to start clomid in two months if I’m not successful before then
persimmon / 1385 posts
@MrsMom: I've been using them for a few days now and I don't think they're going to be super helpful for me unfortunately.
And for anyone who cares, or may search this sometime in the future, here is my review of the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test...
I did some research into how they worked after @MamaBear87: warned me about their possible learning aspect. From what I can gather, they will always be low (blank circle) on your first day of use because it is developing a base line. You are instructed to use them once a day with FMU starting on a certain day depending on your usual cycle length, which I did. After the first day, at some point you should get a blinking smiley indicating your estrogen surge. Once you get your first blinking smiley you will continue to get blinking smileys (no matter what your estrogen is doing) until the test detects your LH surge and gives you a solid "peak" smiley. The solid "peak" smiley will remain on the test for 48 hours, preventing you from using the test again. After 48 hours, the solid "peak" smiley will disappear and this will reset the test so that the next test you take with the handle will be an open circle, reading your baseline levels, and the process will start all over again.
Unfortunately I got a blinking smiley on my second day, cd 10 for me. I don't ovulate until cd 15-17. So a blinking on cd 10 didn't narrow down a fertile window for me at all. At first I thought maybe that meant I would ovulate early, but I don't think so. I have zero impeding ovulation signs. So I'm just stuck with blinking smileys probably for 4-6 days until it detects my LH surge.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@BadgerMom: glad you researched farther but sorry they aren't seeming that helpful.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@BadgerMom: I used them for cycles 2 & 3 or 3 & 4 I can't remember. Both months I had a empty circle for 3 days, and then a solid smiley, I never got the blinking smiley. I don't know if that means there is something wrong and is a contributing factor to why I am going into cycle 12... But I gave up on them because they were expensive and I didn't think they were doing anything extra for me. Good luck to you though, and at least it's giving you blinking faces.
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hi! I've been lurking along so I thought I'll chime in.
Cycle Day: 13
TTC Cycle: 2nd since miscarriage and D&C in December
Ovulation Date: 3/21-3/25? My first full cycle since my D&C was 32 days long. Before having an IUD for a few years my cycle was pretty regular at 28 days
POAS Date: I'll probably wait until a missed period. Maybe 4/6
Baby #: 3. I have three year old twins.
We had fertility treatments for the twins but we are trying for a third with the hope that we can get pregnant naturally. After a few years of infertility I had surgery for endometriosis and then got pregnant with them via medicated IUI cycle.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: i think you could just have higher lh normally and so you hit their threshold for that before I senses an estrogen surge
I'm totally over scheduled sex and wish I could just have some fun this month and not worry about timing. But I know then I'll be kicking myself if we don't end up pregnant again.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@motherunner: sorry for your loss. Good luck this month! Brave momma going for another with twins, my cousin has twins and they seem hard! (And wonderful too )
apricot / 301 posts
April Poas
Ginaandcorey: 4/2
Motherunner: 4/6
MrsMom: 4/8
Mamabear87: 4/4
Badgermom: 4/5
Lazb: 4/12ish
Sams-mom: 4/13
AFC061018: 4/16
All the this month! Any updates please reply.
apricot / 301 posts
I've used the Clearblue Advanced too a few times. Most months they worked pretty standard for me, but one cycle they gave me a blinking smiley, went back to low, then went to solid smiley the next day. That doesn't sound like it's supposed to happen based on what you explained @BadgerMom, so I have no idea what happened.
coffee bean / 32 posts
@MamaBear87: Thank you. They are wonderfully hard and really the past 6 months is the first time we have even considered if we want to (or could) manage another one!
cherry / 161 posts
@motherunner: welcome to the party. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully this is the month for you.
@BadgerMom: really interesting feedback on the advanced test. I appreciate you passing that along. I find the non-advanced digital test works really well and has been pretty spot on for me this month and last month, if you're looking to try something else.
I'm stressing out about next month already because I'm going to be away during my fertile period for work travel. Total bummer. Praying this month is it.
pear / 1697 posts
Cycle Day: 3
TTC Cycle: 7 (but been trying for a little over a year...four the prior 6 cycles resulted resulted in losses)
Ovulation Date: sometime between CD 11 and 14 usually
POAS Date: If we're being honest, I'll start at 7dpo.
Baby #: 2
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: Yea, the scheduled sex is not the most romantic thing in the world. I just got out of my appointment to make sure I didn't grow any cysts on my first cycle of Clomid, and got the all clear for round 2.
kiwi / 568 posts
@BadgerMom: Wow! I’m glad you did some more research and sorry it seems like it’s just adding to the frustration.
@motherunner: Welcome and so Sorry about your loss.
@Sams Mom: How has the Clomid been treating you? I finished my last dose yesterday and so far I’ve just had some hot flashes. I’m paranoid it’s not going to work since I’m not having a lot of symptoms and I can’t remember much from last time.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MrsMom: the mood swings were serious last cycle! I went from raging wanting to scream at everyone over them being jerks over stupid stuff, to crying in my laundry room because a used pregnancy test that I accidentally washed and dried fell out of the dryer and was positive. (Literally cried for 20 minutes because my dryer got a positive and I haven't)
I had minor hot flashes and some vaginal dryness, but the mood swings were pretty bad at times. Hopefully this month won't be as drastic. I did ovulate, it was delayed by 2 days which is to be expected.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Sams Mom: do you think the clomid is the reason for ovulating late?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@mediagirl: I know it is, I'm blocking estrogen receptors in my brain so my body keeps putting out estrogen so it has "enough" to put out an egg. By taking clomid CD 5-9 when I used to ovulate on CD 12 a not great quality egg, it extends the length of my follicular stage in order to make a quality egg.. I didn't have super long cycles to start with either, 26 days on average.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MrsMom: and I'm awake an hour before I usually am because of a hot flash... Bleh
Last month I took it in the morning, this month I took it in the evening because I didn't get to see my doctor until the afternoon of CD 5 and had to start it that day... So far I'm preferring the morning.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Ginaandcorey: crazydoglady gave me wonderful advice that I'm trying to embrace. Mourn the months that didn't work but try not to get into the it will never happen attitude. So try to focus on this month and that it could happen before getting in a funk about next month. I feel way better focusing on the now and being sad in the moment than worrying about the future what ifs
@lilyofthewest: all the good vibes that this month is a better outcome
@Sams Mom: glad you're all clear for this month!
apricot / 301 posts
April Poas
Ginaandcorey: 4/2
Lilyofthewest: 4/3-4/6?
Motherunner: 4/6
MrsMom: 4/8
Mamabear87: 4/4
Badgermom: 4/5
Lazb: 4/12ish
Sams-mom: 4/13
AFC061018: 4/16
All the this month! Any updates please reply.
(I tried to guess on the date, @lilyofthewest, so tell me if I did the math wrong )
kiwi / 568 posts
@Sams Mom: I took mine in the morning as well. The hot flashes come out of nowhere! Did you have mood swings all cycle or just while taking the pills. I haven't been moody per-say, but I have been more reserved/quiet and a little more defensive than normal. TMI but I definitely felt the dryness this morning....BD was seriously horrible since I've never had that problem!!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MrsMom: I had a few hot flashes last month during the day, but it isn't as bad for me during the day because where I work has to keep the building at 64 degrees year round so the laser room is cold enough.
I was probably the worst while on the pills themselves, I was a little moodier than usual right before my period, but nothing like when I was on Clomid. Yea, the dryness is a pain when you're not used to it. When my doctor told me that it was a side effect I could expect I told him "you know we're trying to get pregnant here, how is that helpful?" he laughed and said it is usually only while you're taking it so it won't really effect sex when it's important.
I have been soooooo hungry today too!
cherry / 161 posts
@MamaBear87: good advice to follow, thank you.
@Sams Mom: @MrsMom: no one mentioned that symptom but I totally noticed it while I was taking Femara, too. Sex was awful the last day I was on it.
Femara is definitely doing something to my cycle. I have been showing +OPK on CD11 & 12.. Last night was 13 and still got a big O.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Ginaandcorey: my doc told me to basically expect menopausal side effects... yaaay...
I've never had positive OPKs for more than 24 hours, unfortunately I'm no help in that department. Are you on femara because you weren't ovulating or because of poor quality eggs? Not sure if that even makes a difference though?
kiwi / 568 posts
@Ginaandcorey: @Sams Mom: HAHA Seriously! Dry and making a baby doesn't go together! I hope it gets better.
@Ginaandcorey: Keep BDing! Are you using Cheapies?
On another note DH is fully encouraging my craziness with charting LOL after BD he told me to make sure I charted it I think he's starting to understand my crazy!HAHAHAHA
apricot / 301 posts
@Ginaandcorey: I'll be joining you on Femara this month. It'll be interesting to see what symptoms I have. What cycle days are you taking it? I'm cd 3-7 to treat low follicle counts.
@MrsMom: LOL, mine would ask me what "our" temp looked like each morning. I loved it. Not only did it make me laugh, but it made it feel like more of our thing rather than me obsessing by myself.
cherry / 161 posts
@Sams Mom: I'm on it because I'm 40 and my OB was being very proactive. I have one child who was conceived after 1 try...
@MrsMom: I'm using the clearblue digital ovulation tests and cheapies. LOL - gotta love a DH who is all-in.
@afc061018: yep, 3-7. The RE went ahead and prescribed it without doing any testing first just to get us going. He looked at my health insurance and said, "yup, they will cover this much (held up a big 0)." And that's why he decided to just go straight to a drug. We discussing further options if this doesn't work out.
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