Welcome April 2018 moms!
Time to buckle down for the long haul!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome April 2018 moms!
Time to buckle down for the long haul!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
olive / 69 posts
Location: Spokane, WA
EDD: April 7th
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? I've been having MS since day one! cramping, and tender abdomen
Who have you told? Coworkers and DH. Waiting to tell friends and family in person
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I feel it's way to early for me to be having so many symptoms! But every pregnancy is different I guess!
I keep waking up and looking at my positive tests. Still can't believe I'm preggers!
and I'm sure, like most women early in their pregnancy, I'm afraid of something happening
coffee bean / 45 posts
Location: SC
EDD: April 2nd
First child? No, #2
Any symptoms? My wife has been tired, itchy, tender and has felt a little sick, just like with DS at this point.
Who have you told? Nobody
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I feel hopeful and excited and we have had lots of fun trying to remember all of the things from her first pregnancy and comparing them.
pear / 1717 posts
April 2017 mama here! Holy crap I can't believe this board is already up! Congrats all April 2018 mamas!
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@CoolCate: congrats! Not an April mama but I did notice they come up closer to when those in the beginning of the month are already 1.5-2 months along, and I remember before joining at like 4 weeks! So I don't see why not.
pomegranate / 3980 posts
@CoolCate: Hey, you're in Spokane! I live right across the border in Post Falls!
pomegranate / 3980 posts
@CoolCate: How crazy, I was class 2010 at Lakeland. Small world!
persimmon / 1481 posts
Hi all! Excited but nervous to be here!
EDD:April 5th
First child? 2nd. First one is 2.5 year old girl
Any symptoms? I have been super tired, thirsty, nauseous already and my boobs have been sore. Also cramps at times.
Who have you told? My husband, my best friend and my sister and her husband.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I keep experiencing days where my boobs arent as sore so that worries me but then it comes back so I'm sure it's fine. Just worried in general about having two kids. Probably my number one worry is morning sickness. I had it so bad last time and it sucked!
olive / 69 posts
@turquoisemama: Welcome! My boobs are the same, they either don't hurt or they are barely tender, but I'm already having bad nausea!
persimmon / 1481 posts
@CoolCate: ugh it's the worst! I'm not looking forward to morning sickness again! I'm already feeling gaggy and low appetite but at the same time starving.
olive / 69 posts
Anyone else getting stressed out about the cramping?! When is it gonna stop! lol
persimmon / 1481 posts
@CoolCate: I'm crampy too but I remember cramping the entire first trimester last time and it's totally normal. It's actually a sign that baby is implanting properly. As long as you don't have bleeding I'm sure you're fine!! I know it's stressful though!
olive / 69 posts
@turquoisemama: That makes me feel a lot better. I didn't know how long it could last or would last. Sometimes they really friggin' hurt
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
EDD: April 9!
First child? Third
Any symptoms? None yet, aside from cramping
Who have you told? Husband,
mother, BIL/SIL and some friends.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? None! My older two have been keeping me on my toes lol.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@CoolCate: Yeah I feel really uncomfortable sometimes and it even wakes me up in the night. I also have been getting a lot of GI cramps too.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@sorrycharlie: Yay so excited we are in the same month again! How exciting! Number 3!!
olive / 69 posts
Had my first mood swing. DH and I are moving back to our home town after moving 2 hours south to the TriCities for his career (Now moving back up for the same reason)
I've found a new job and start on the 9th (found out 3 days after accepting the job that I was pregnant lol). I'm having to camp out on a friends couch until DH can finish packing and move out stuff.
I've been rental hunting for the last 2 weeks and my anxiety is just through the roof! I'm an introvert and knowing I wont have a quiet place to myself during the week is so stressing.
Anyway, today we were battling with a property management about holding a house and turns out someone already has a hold on it and blah blah blah. I wind up just crying and totally over the situation. Normally I'm a get mad kinda girl, not a collapse into tears girl lol
We have the whole month to find a home, It's just the sooner I can get DH up to Spokane with me the sooner I can relax in my own home
persimmon / 1481 posts
@CoolCate: Ugh that sounds stressful! I'm sure you just want a comfortable place while you're not feeling great.
pea / 6 posts
Location: ON, Canada
EDD: April 4th is my best guess
First child? Nope, second, DD will be 2.5 when the new baby is born
Any symptoms? So thirsty and peeing a lot, which I didn't have last pregnancy. Also really bloated, which I also didn't have last time. Some waves of nausea but not bad at all- I know it'll get worse!
Who have you told? DH obviously, my bff and my parents
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? So many! Obviously miscarriage and normal pregnancy fears. this was a bit unexpected as well because it happened quick, which is awesome but I'm also starting a new job Tuesday and have a huge exam in October, so hoping I can just manage everything!
I'm also already nervous about making it to the hospital... Had DD in 6 hours from my water breaking... and my husband works 50 minutes from home and the hospital is at least 45 minutes in the opposite direction.
persimmon / 1481 posts
@ginmar12: Congrats! I'm with you on the fast labor. My DD was born in 2.5 hours from the start of induction! I do not want to have this kid on the side of the road!!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@turquoisemama: DD1 was a "precipitous birth" (water broke randomly @5pm, fully dilated by 8:30pm) .. went into labor w/DD2 and from first "upset belly" contraction to birth was 9 hours. I was nervous too, but - they do what they want
persimmon / 1481 posts
@sorrycharlie: interesting! Hopefully it will be fast but not too fast. I'm looking forward to going into labor on my own.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
I'm going to tentatively join...
Location: New Zealand
EDD: mid-April
First child? Pregnancy #4, baby #3 (missed miscarriage in February)
Any symptoms? One sore boob (!) and I feel pretty tired.
Who have you told? Just DH and my bestie back home.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? 50% terrified, 50% hopeful and 100% surprised because I was pretty sure we'd missed the window for this cycle.
pea / 6 posts
@turquoisemama: 2.5 from induction!!! I can't believe e you didn't go on your own with that quick of a labour! I'm also worried about rushing to the hospital and being way to early lol
@Kemma: I thought we missed our window too! I was positive I was getting my period (with what I now know was implantation bleeding)- even put my diva cup in few times. Oops!
nectarine / 2242 posts
SUPER tentatively joining since I literally just POAS an hour ago!
EDD: mid April
First child? #3! Sort of freaking out about this now ha. DD is 5 next month and DS is 2.5.
Any symptoms? I've been super tired and bitchy, I was sort of hoping there was a reason behind it!
Who have you told? Just Hellobee! I just ordered the same shirt we used to tell my parents we were pregnant with #2 for my son, we're obviously not telling the kids yet but I'm going to give it to DH to tell him. It gets here Tuesday so hopefully I can wait that long!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Sort of freaking out about the whole #3 thing, we were waffling back and forth about it for a very long time and decided to just try until our youngest turns 3 and then reassess. I wasn't expecting it to actually happen before our deadline!
Also DS who is 2.5 randomly told me a I had a "baby boy in my tummy" in today, completely out of the blue!
persimmon / 1481 posts
@HappyBaker: Yay congrats, another January 2015 mama! Three of us now!
clementine / 933 posts
OK, if @HappyBaker: has joined up, I guess I can't wait any longer
Location: Tennessee
EDD: April 17
First child? Nope, DS is 2.5 (Another January 2015 mom here! Though he was due in Feb - born at 36w3d)
Any symptoms? Sore boobs, but that's all I can really attribute to pregnancy. I'm usually tired and hungry, so those aren't really new feelings
Who have you told? DH, a BFF, and we'll tell our small group tonight. We'll wait at least a few weeks to tell anyone else.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Super excited, in shock (it took 9 months & Clomid to conceive DS, and this was only our 2nd month trying), but also scared that this won't be a sticky baby. Trying to focus on the excited feelings and ignore the fearful ones.
clementine / 933 posts
@HappyBaker: Congrats to you, too! I'm just a scaredy cat But I got a positive digital this morning and the pink lines have been darkening all weekend, so I think it's really real!
pear / 1580 posts
I am still in shock. We were trying for #2 naturally and 2 weeks before our appointment with the RE to start the process of our FET, I see double-lines! LO1 (ah! First time typing that!) was an April 2015 baby so this is all very surreal.
Location: New England
EDD: April 15
First child? 2nd
Any symptoms? None! My pregnancy with LO1 was the same. I think I had bad MOTN cramps the first few weeks, but that was it for a long time. We'll see.
Who have you told? Just DH.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? I know people have done it throughout history, but the thought of a toddler and a newborn scares me! Especially as a SAHM with a husband who works pretty long hours. But people have done it! So if this baby is sticky, I will too!
Let's do this, guys!!
clementine / 933 posts
@ineebee: Congrats & welcome! Lots of second-time mamas on this board - we'll navigate the toddler-and-newborn thing together
pear / 1580 posts
@HeartAbandoned: Thank you! Sounds like we're in a similar boat with our journey to get pregnant the first time (IVF for me) and age of our LOs (also 2.5! --and born 2.5 weeks early!). For me, it doesn't quite seem right that it happened naturally and I'm waiting for my body to be like, "Oh! Oh no, we don't do this. It's never this easy - sorry, my mistake." That sounds horrible. Anyway, positive thoughts!
How did it go telling your small group? That must've been fun!
clementine / 933 posts
@ineebee: It's totally surreal! To have gotten a BFP during our second month trying seems nearly impossible! I have the same doubtful thoughts, but I'm trying to ignore them and enjoy the fact that I'm pregnant!
It was really fun to tell our group last night! We're 3 couples in our early 30s, and we've been meeting together for almost 3 years (our very first meeting was the day we found DS was going to be a boy!), and we agreed a long time ago that any time anyone had a pregnancy announcement, it had to be the first thing we said once we all got into the same room (no burying the lead!). Well, we all sort of trickled in last night, and we tend to spend the first 30 minutes or so just chatting non-stop, and it can be hard to get everyone's attention all at once, so DH just blurted out "Wife took a positive pregnancy test this weekend!) - two of them totally missed it, and he had to repeat himself, but then there was much squealing and hugging. They were super excited and supportive! They knew we'd started trying, and also what a long road it took to get to DS. And we're so happy to have their love, support, and prayers, especially so early in the process!
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