kiwi / 689 posts
Good morning ladies. How's everyone doing?
I had my IUI this morning. DH's sample was 28million post wash so that was good. I go in tomorrow morning for the 2nd IUI. I'm really hoping and praying this IUI is it for us.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: Grow follies grow!! I sure hope you get good news at your next scan!
@MaryM: we have not discussed anything other than clomid, however since my lining was so thin this time I suspect IF we were to do another round they might change. The RE already asked me to make a f/up apt for after this IUI (real encouraging there).. but I know they just have to do that so we can be prepared to move on. I have also told them that we are thinking this IUI will be our last.. like no more.
@LoveHope: good luck!!!
AFM, we had our IUI this morning. I've been taking estrodial/estrace to hopefully thicken my lining. it was approx. 4 mm on Monday, so hoping it thickened 2 mm a day to get to 8-10mm. My apt on Monday showed Frankie was 18mm, with a smaller follie at about 10mm. I triggered Monday night, despite the tech saying I probably wouldn't bc they wanted Frankie to get to 20mm. I guess my blood work must have shown my body was gearing up to ovulate so they had me trigger. The IUI went smoothly, some minor cramping and DH's sperm was on point. 47 million. They commented that was the highest count they saw recently and said I had enough to share (weird). Anyway, we know the issue isn't with him, it's with me.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@LoveHope: when is your beta?? we might be finding out at the same time! Mine is set for the 19th
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: Wishing you so much luck this cycle! My beta is also the 19th. I go in on the 9th to test my progesterone levels as well. Really hoping and praying for us
kiwi / 501 posts
@ajsmommy: @lovehope: I'm so excited for you both!! I'm praying for you ladies!! Praying for great news soon!! I'm hoping I can join in the TWW soon!!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: @Ajsmommy: I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you!
Sorry I've been MIA. I've had a sinus infection and pink eye, and I feel like junk! Work still has me running like crazy, so I desperately need time to rest. At least it's keeping my mind off the TWW (Bahahahahaha, of course it isn't! TTC is always on the brain!). Still, I'm not hyper focused on it, and that's a nice break!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: Keeping busy is a great thing during tww. It consumes me. We're adopting another dog this weekend so hopefully that will keep me very busy.
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: So sorry you were sick!! Super yucky!! Hoping you're better now! I got the stomach bug on Tuesday and it was miserable!! Being sick is no fun!!
AFM, my last shot is Sat. Mon can't come soon enough!! Praying I'm good to go for our IUI!! Grow, grow, grow!!!
How's everyone doing?
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: Sometimes the wait can seem like an eternity! Lots of luck your way!
I had major cramping after Thursday's IUI and some more cramping Friday.
We adopted another dog today and it's been such a great distraction for me as the tww can be awful at times.
Hope you ladies are all doing well.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: that's so fun! How many do you have and what kinds? Fingers and toes crossed for you!
@delight: thank you. I hope You are doing well. ️
@Winnie13: last shot tomorrow, yay! Grow grow grow!
Got a letter back about my ultrasound. Not a lot of detail, but it did say that my endometrium thickness was fine. That's good to hear, but still concerns me about my one day period.
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: Glad your thickness is good!! That's important. Definitely weird about your 1 day AF. I would take that though!! Lol! You've got some good estrogen!!
@lovehope: Oh, that is so precious! What kind? How many do you have?? We have 2 rescue pups! I've rescued all my life and I'll do it forever! Rescue pups are the best!!
How's everyone doing? I'm waiting for my follie check as we speak!! Please Lord, let there be 3 or less nice big follies!
kiwi / 501 posts
Well, that was a bit defeating. One on my left is at 10 and the one on my right is at 8. My lining is still at 5. More injections. 75 IU tomorrow through Thursday. I go back in on Fri. She said a lot of information. Including moving onto IVF. She said it just depends on my follicle response. She also said we could cancel this cycle and I thought no way! I'm not giving up after all this time and money! We will keep pressing forward. Praying for better news on Fri! God is in total control.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: sorry it wasn't the news you wanted at your appointment. As you move forward with this cycle I will pray for those follies to grow nice and big. Keep thinking those positive thoughts
@Crystal: I'm doing well thanks. Nervous every day but have made it to 15w so hopefully all is going right this time. I'm glad your uterine thickness was ok. Hope your tww is going by quickly and good luck this month.
@LoveHope: praying that hour two IUIs did the trick. Glad you have a furry little friend to help take your mind of things.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: hang in there!! My re said that some people just take longer to grow those follies. In the end it doesn't matter how long it takes to grow them, just that they eventually grow I know it's a pain to have to use more meds but hopefully it'll all be worth it!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: yay for a thick endometrium! Always a good thing!
We had a beagle and just adopted a lab mix. He's 3 years old and such a great dog! So rewarding.
@Winnie13: praying you get great news on Friday. I wouldn't give up on the cycle either. It's always worth a shot right?
I had my progesterone tested today and it was 26. I think 4dpiui is early but I'm sure they have their reasons.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@LoveHope: how are you feeling??
I'm feeling bloated and that's about it. I am guessing though that the bloat could just be from my progesterone/estrace. So I'm not reading too far into it. I have to move my beta b/c I had a death in the family and will be out of town next week right when my apt is.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: I'm so sorry. Hugs.
I'm not really feeling too much either over here
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: It's so good to hear from you! So glad you are doing well!! 15 weeks?? So awesome! Thank you for your encouragement!
@ajsmommy: I'm so sorry! Praying for you and your family!
@lovehope: We will keep on keeping on!! I'm no quitter!! No symptoms is a good thing I think!! Praying for your BFP!
Hoping Friday comes quickly and praying for some great growth! We started the injections again yesterday!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: yes, agreed! I've had every symptom there is and still ended with a BFN!
Hoping your follies make some progress tomorrow.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: did you have an apt today? how did it go? hoping for great news for you
@LoveHope: how are you feeling?? will you poas before you beta?
@delight: hope all is still well with you!
@Crystal: how are you doing?
AFM, not feeling anything. Thinking I might poas this weekend sometime, today I am 9dpiui. I was supposed to have my beta on the 19th but can't bc i'll be out of town as I said above.. but I can't bring myself to change that apt for some reason. Like, I just don't want to know it's a BFN for sure... I can change it to the 17th or the 23rd.....???
kiwi / 501 posts
@Ajsmommy: I would go with the 17th!! That's 13 DPIUI right? How many past trigger? A blood test would pick up any HCG for sure!
AFM, the scan showed growth, but still not enough. Slowly but surely!! I have a 6, 9, 10, and 12! She bumped me to 100 IU for the next 3 nights. Another injection ordered! Praying for Monday and more than just 2mm of growth! It's still growth though, so I'll take it and I'm thankful! This cycle is definitely a cycle of patience!! The TWW will be a breeze, if I ever get there!!
Praying for you all!! Can't wait to see some BFP!!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: I probably will give in by like Tuesday and POAS. The only thing I've felt was extreme bladder pressure upon waking up the last 3 mornings. That's it. Not sure what it is. I would probably go the 17th because I'm so impatient
@Winnie13: slow growth is totally ok- as long as they are growing. Hoping you show some substantial growth on your next monitoring appointment.
kiwi / 501 posts
So, I think my scan went well! I have about 10 follies!!! Jeez! I have 2 at 14mm and 1 at 13mm and then lots and lots at 9-12. No more injections for me (for now). She feels that my 14's will definitely grow on their own. She is concerned that I may end up with too many. I go back in on Wed. My lining is perfect, it's at 9mm. My estrogen is rising, which is a good thing. If I don't get cancelled, my IUI should be sometime this weekend! Praying for some 16mm follies so I can trigger!! I'm trying not to worry because it's not in my control at all! God's timing and His plan. Praying this is it though and we don't have to cancel! It's been a long cycle! I'm already on CD27! Almost a month before I've even triggered! Jeez!
How's everyone else?
@ajsmommy: @lovehope: Are y'all POAS this week?? So excited for y'all!
@crystal: thinking of you!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: nice!! that is a lot of follies! I hope your golden egg is among them!
@LoveHope: poas??? anything??
AFM, I poas Sunday and it was BFN. I am pretty sad. I had my blood work this morning and fully expect that it will be the same. I am trying to process it all bc I have kind of decided we are done trying now. It's just too much.. both emotionally and financially (oh and physically too). IDK, part of me is ok with being one and done but another part of me won't accept it. Kind of torn. We are leaving town this afternoon for the funeral and won't be back until the weekend. I'll try to check in if I can and hoping to see some BFP's and some big follies for you sweet ladies!!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: Your lining size is wonderful! Praying your follies grow some more.
Afm, AF came this morning. I feel devastated. It looks like I'll be moving onto IVF as much as I didn't want to. Life can be really cruel sometimes
@Ajsmommy: I'm sorry for what you are going through as well. But, you're not out yet. I'm still praying for you friend. This journey is exhausting and I feel like giving up but I want a child so bad.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@LoveHope: ohhhh I'm so sorry about af!!! gahhhhhhh why!!! You did 3 iui's right? This was our second but phew it drained me. I just don't know that I want to continue
will you be doing ivf with the same clinic? did you ever get a second opinion? I have to talk to Dh about our next steps if there are any or if we are just gonna be done. I have been trying and trying to make myself ok with not having another.
Hugs to you though!!!! I really wish the outcomes for both of us had been different
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: This was my 4th IUI
The clinic I use has a really great reputation so going elsewhere might be pointless. I know this will be a tough journey but I want to have a baby- even if it's just one I get. There's always the option of going the naturopath way but I've waited so long already. It really unfair especially when others make it look so easy. I got 2 baby shower invites in the mail this week and I'm here like wtf! There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break as well. Sometimes it's what your body needs. Hugs to you.
kiwi / 501 posts
@lovehope: I'm so very sorry friend. I wish I could give you a big hug right now! It is unfair! There is a lot of questions we won't ever know the answers too. I do believe you will be blessed with your miracle because of your yearning to be a mommy. It's not an easy journey, but stay strong! At the end you will have your sweet blessing! The one thing infertility has taught me is that it's not in our control... Even if we do everything right. Praying for you. I know the road to IVF isn't an easy one. I'll be praying for strength and peace during this entire process!!
@Ajsmommy: Hoping and praying your not out yet!! Talking about the next steps is very sobering though. Hoping you get some clarity over the next few days to help you with your decision. I understand about being exhausted though! IF isn't for the faint of heart!
AFM, I got the dreaded phone call. My estrogen doubled and my nurse practitioner consulted the RE. He wants to see me tomorrow morning because of all my follies. They feel I may have over responded. The RE may have to reduce the amount of follies I have... Not a clue what that means. I'll find out tomorrow. Praying we don't have to cancel. I have lots of questions though. After what we went through this cycle, my husband and I decided to move on to IVF if this cycle is a bust. After all the injections, It's a lot of money for a 20% chance of pregnancy. If we went to IVF, my chances go to around 80%. There is just so much to think about, but it's all one step at a time. I will see what the RE says tomorrow. Praying that they only find 3 lead follies!!! I'll keep you posted!
pear / 1881 posts
@Winnie13: Just popped in here to read, but would they consider converting to an IVF cycle if there are so many eggs? it might be worth a question because I know that it would plain SUCK to cancel! Although IVF is a ton of money. ugh - i hope tomorrow goes ok and I'll be thinking of you!
kiwi / 501 posts
@NorthStar: Thank you for the suggestion, were thinking that too! That is one of my questions for sure! We don't want to cancel either! It's been a long 28 days!
kiwi / 501 posts
Well, that didn't go as planned. Cancelling the cycle. I have 6 or 7 which is too many to reduce. We are moving to IVF in July. I'm pretty overwhelmed, but God will carry me through!
@lovehope: Do you know when you'll be starting?
pear / 1881 posts
@Winnie13: oh no! Did you ask if you could convert to IVF now? I'm heartbroken for you as I know how expensive the meds are, how time consuming the appointments and mentally/physically draining this whole process is.
I am glad, though, that they can get you in so quickly for your IVF cycle. I had to wait 4 months to begin my first and then my 2nd, which seemed like eternity.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: I'm so sorry friend. It's not easy but we will get through it.
I'm planning on starting with my next cycle. I go in on June 7th for bloodwork and if all is well, they are starting me on Estrace. It's overwhelming when facing all the IVF details, but I'll get through it.
Hugs to you today. Take care of yourself
kiwi / 501 posts
@NorthStar: I did, but he doesn't feel like it would be the best use of our money. He feels like I could retrieve so many more than just 7. He would rather start from scratch. I agree with that thought process. It definitely stinks, but he thinks they learned a lot from this cycle and we won't have to be so aggressive with the meds. That's a plus!
@lovehope: Thinking of you! That's good that you can start next cycle! I'll be moving over to the IVF board. Hope to see you there!!
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