Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Your plan:
Favorite Spring activity:
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Your plan:
Favorite Spring activity:
kiwi / 501 posts
Since we are so late in the month, I figured I would cover our bases for the next month too!
Hoping to post in here sometime this week! Expecting AF by Wednesday and hoping to have baseline scan sometime this week!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle #: ??? Coming up on three years soon
POAS Date: Monday, May 9
Baby #: 1
Your plan: I'm not feeling excited about the next two months. I started with my new doctor, and I'm being forced to take a hiatus. I think my body needs one, but I'm still not happy to drag this out longer it's already taken.
Favorite Spring activity: good question! Hmmm.... Beach weather coming back?
@Winnie13: IUI this cycle right? FX for you! Thank you for starting this months thread. ️
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: Yes, IUI #2 this cycle (if my cyst is gone)! Are you off meds for 2 months?? Sometimes our bodies need a break from not only the physical part, but the mental too! The past 2 weeks have been super stressful at work, so I'm really glad I didn't have the added stress of TTC!
How are you liking the new doc? What's your gut telling you?
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Winnie13: not sure yet. He didn't want to give me anything at first because he said that there didn't seem to be a problem because we've conceived twice. He also said that statistics say most normal couples will conceive within 2 years, and that means someone has to conceive the first month and someone has to conceive the last. I told him I was looking at *3* years, and only one of those conceptions was without assistance over 2 years ago. Even taking time out from recovering from surgeries and miscarriages, it shouldn't be taking this long. He ended up being willing to order some tests and Agreed to prescribing 50mg of Clomid. Because of when my next appt with him is, it will mean no meds this month or next. I'm hoping he's on board to describe some in time for my June cycle.
I don't like the forced break, but I think my body needs it. And it will give me more time to get backup the gym and losing some weight.
Yay for IUI #2! Will the protocol be different than last time?
kiwi / 739 posts
@Crystal: I'm on hiatus too. I keep thinking: "they" always say it happens after you atry for a long time and just decide to stop trying.
I hate "they"
I'm one month off interventions and one more to go..we can get back on the wagon together!
kiwi / 739 posts
@Winnie13: thanks for starting this back up. As said above I'm taking a few months off but have been cheering you all silently. I'll post just in case I get pregnant with no help (hahahahahahahaha)
Cd: 18
Ttc cycle: 2 years next cycle
Baby #1
Your plan: waiting for a cyst to dissolve on my open side. Will do clomid and trigger as my next intervention. Just doing TI during peak week (no testing though- just off instinct!)
POAS date: April 30th
pear / 1852 posts
So I'm joining this board. Didn't think I would since dd was conceived in no time... but here we are.
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle #: 8
POAS Date: May 8th
Baby #: 2
Your plan: I scheduled an appointment with my OBGYN on May 18th since we are experiencing what I suspect is secondary infertility. However, this months visit from AF was very heavy and crampy for the first time since coming off BC in October, so I'm also hopeful that the problem was my uterine lining wasn't thick enough before now. We'll see.
Favorite Spring activity: DD loves splashing in puddles, but I am most looking forward to planting our veggie garden.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Holy typos, batman! That's what I get from posting from my phone.
@LibbyLou: hi, friend! I hate forced time off. The OBGYN recommends we try on our own these next two months because you never know. Except, I do. So I laughed in his face. We'll definitely try to be on it, but I'm trying to take a break from OPKs and temping and all that. Good luck this cycle!
@Mrs. D: crazy how time both flies and stands still when you are TTC. Welcome to the 6 month + board.
pear / 1852 posts
@Crystal: thanks, not a club any of us wanted to join, but at least I'm in good company.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Cycle Day: cd1
TTC Cycle #: 9 I think or 10
POAS Date:??? Around may 15 is my guess
Baby #: 2
Your plan: this our second iui. With meds/injections. Clomid, gonal f, ovidrel...and progesterone and estradiol
Favorite Spring activity: playing outside with dd. Going on walks.
Good luck ladies....I'm really really hoping for some bfps from this board!!!
kiwi / 689 posts
Cycle Day: 20
TTC Cycle #: It will be 2 years this month
POAS Date: beta is 4/26
Baby #: 1
Your plan: I'm back after being away for a few months. I needed a breather. I'm on my 3rd IUI and so far this 3rd one seems to be a lot better than last two in terms of my levels. Progesterone was 30 at 4dpiui which is way better than it's ever been. Last IUI it was 7 at 4dpiui. It looks like I may have ovulated more than one egg. Re wants to meet with me this Wednesday to discuss IVF if this one doesn't work but I don't want to move onto IVF just yet especially since my levels were so much better this cycle. Also, just found out two of my friends are pregnant. One was an oopsie and the other has only been trying 2 months. I want to be happy for them but I'm not. Isn't that awful? I wish you ladies the best of luck this month. Rooting for everyone on this board.
Favorite Spring activity: I love walking my dog in the park on beautiful spring days. It's so peaceful.
kiwi / 501 posts
@crystal: Glad your doctor is listening to you! Hoping the tests give you some insight! Hoping the break is just what your body needs!!!
I think she will start me with 5mg Femara and go from there. Last IUI, I had 2 follies and she was pleased with that. They cancel anymore than 3. Hoping AF comes soon!
@libbylou: When do you go back to check your cyst (or hoping lack there of)? Who knows, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised!!
@Mrs. D: Sad your here, but you're in a great group of women!! Hoping you're not here for too long!
@ajsmommy: Hoping this is it!!
@lovehope: That's a great progesterone level!!! Hoping you have great news soon!
It's hard when so many people around you are getting pregnant. A girl in my bible study just announced her pregnancy and they literally just started trying. She struggled to get pregnant with her first pregnancy, so I'm super happy for her! It still stings though. It makes you frustrated and hurt. All I can do is trust in God and His perfect timing for my future miracle!!
Hoping this month is it for all of us!!
kiwi / 689 posts
I just went to see my re to discuss the iui's I've had and IVF. My beta is scheduled for Tuesday so we'll see what happens. She did say that I don't produce as many eggs as I should for my age which concerns her a bit. She's really pushing me to do IVF. My hormone levels were the best they've ever been this 3rd IUI than the previous ones so I was more hopeful this time around. If we get a negative next week, not sure if we'll try one more IUI on a higher dose of Follistim or go straight to IVF. This journey is so devastating.
kiwi / 501 posts
Finally!!! ️️
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: Lost count... 20 months
Ovulation Date: somewhere the week of 5/2
POAS Date: somewhere the week of 5/16
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: Had a failed IUI in March and when we went in for our baseline scan my RE found a cyst. I've been on BC for a month and I'm going in for my scan tomorrow morning to see if the cyst is gone. If it is, I will be moving forward with IUI #2!! Praying it's gone! If it's gone.. We will be going with the same protocol: 5mg Femara, 250 Ovidrel, 400mg Progesterone after ovulation. As long as my ovaries respond to Femara, we won't have to do Follistim!
Favorite Spring activity- Walking with the hubby & pups! Also, BBQing!
kiwi / 501 posts
@LoveHope: I'm sorry you're feeling so pressured! Hoping you won't even have to go there and you get a BFP! My RE will only let us do an IUI 4 times also. It's a big financial, emotional, and physical jump to go from an IUI to IVF! It's definitely a decision only you and your husband can come to. How do you feel about a 4th IUI? If you feel positive, then go for it! If you are uneasy and have reservations, then maybe really think about your next moves. I'm sorry you're going through this!!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: Thanks hun. I certainly felt more hopeful when my nurse told me my levels looked better than the previous 2 iui's. My doctor says I can do as many iui's as I want, she just recommends we move to IVF. I felt crushed. I feel like I should do the 4th IUI. She said I'm not producing as many eggs as she would like me to. I guess we'll see what happens Tuesday.
Btw how's the cyst?
kiwi / 501 posts
@LoveHope: How many follies do you produce with Follistim? Hoping you get a BFP!!!
@Mrs. D: I agree!! Hoping we all get out!!
No cysts!! Woo!! Will start Femara tomorrow! I go in next Thursday to check my follies!
How's everyone else?
kiwi / 689 posts
@Winnie13: GReat news!
With the first 2 iui's I only produced 2 on one side and 1 on the other. Only 1 grew to mature. This time I had like 3/4 on one side and two in the other. A bit of improvement.
kiwi / 689 posts
Happy Friday ladies... How's everyone doing?
4 more days for my beta. This is killing me. I did cave in yesterday and tested but BFN. Hoping it was too early.
kiwi / 501 posts
@LoveHope: Now only 3 more days until your Beta!!
Doing ok! A little sad today. My mom's 12 year death anniversary is tomorrow and I'm taking it harder than usual. I know it's the season I'm in. The year I was getting married was a pretty hard one too. My mom struggled with IF as well, and I know she would have been a wonderful support system. Sometimes this journey can be pretty lonely. All my friends are either pregnant or have babies of their own. Even my friends who struggled with IF have their own precious miracles now, so it's hard for them to go back to the place that once caused them so much pain. Very blessed for this sweet group and to have such a great group of women to support and encourage each other! Clinging to God to get me through this and give me the strength to face each day! Praying we all get our BFP very, very soon!
grape / 90 posts
Cycle Day:1
TTC Cycle #: 7
POAS Date: 5/21
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Eat healthy and exercise, and got Dh some more vitamins so hope that helps. I can't believe its been more than 6 months if you asked me when we first started trying I would have never thought it would be such a struggle but it is what is is now we have to see how much longer I have to wait, hopefully not too long bc its so stressful, I hope everyone here gets BFP's this month and we can all be happy. I am afraid to share my IF with any of my friends or family because I feel like they wont understand since they arnt going through it, the only person that knows is my husband...
Favorite Spring activity: Hiking, swimming
kiwi / 501 posts
@WifeMama24: IF can definitely be isolating! You will find that this group is full of very supportive women who understand the struggles of IF! Hoping your stay here is short. Hoping that we all get to switch to the birth boards very soon! Stay strong!
kiwi / 689 posts
So my beta was scheduled for Tuesday, but AF arrived today. I've decided to go for a 4th IUI. I know I should probably go the IVF route but I'm not ready for that.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: I am so, so sorry, friend. When is your next appt? Are they changing the protocol for next month?
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: The Re wants us to do IVF this cycle but I'm not ready for it. We're going to try a 4th IUI. The 3rd IUI was the cycle they gave me a higher dose of Follistim which I responded to better than the first two so who knows. Thanks friend.
How are you doing?
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Hi Ladies!! MIA over the weekend so I'm just catching up...
@WifeMama24: welcome and I hope your stay here is short!! We completely understand the issues with IF... I really think if you haven't dealt with it yourself you'll never truly understand it!
@Winnie13: yaya for no cyst!! so sorry about the anniversary of your mother's passing! I lost my father 19 yrs ago and every year it still hits me like a mac-truck. xoxoxo PS. I go on Thursday to get my follies checked too!@LoveHope: so sorry you had such a big decision. I fear I may be there soon Jumping to IVF just seems so extreme. And if we get to that point I have to check out other clinics bc the price our current one gave us is astronomical
AFM.. I'm in the middle of injections and clomid pills. One more injection tomorrow and then Thursday we check my follies. Hoping to trigger and IUI early next week bc the following weekend we have a wedding to go to so it wouldn't be too convenient to have to have any appts on fri or sat next week...
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: Good luck. I hope your follies are where they should be.
We may just do a 4th IUI. I'm not ready yet.
pomelo / 5129 posts
Hey all. I think I got AF early in the last thread so I didn't really keep up. I'll try to do better this time
Cycle Day: 12 DPO
TTC Cycle #: No clue what number, but more than two years
POAS Date: 4/29
Baby #: 3 (I can't say 1. I've had two losses, but no living children)
Your plan: This cycle, I had an US in my second week (my doctor hasn't called me about those findings. Massive cyst - which I've had before - no traditional signs of PCOS, though I'm responding well to metformin and my hormones suggest it, possible sign of small septum but they couldn't get a good image because of the 7cm cyst.
I took Femara CD3-7, HCG shots 3, 5, 7, and 9 DPO
Blood test 7 dpo showed still low estrogen, but my P was higher than last month.
When my cycles starts I'll have a phone consult with my doctor to see if we continue with the same next month.
Favorite Spring activity: I enjoy the flowers in my yard. I don't enjoy having to care for them, but I like it when I finally have things I can cut and bring inside.
kiwi / 501 posts
@LoveHope: I'm so sorry!! It's so crushing!! Hoping you have another good response to the meds for this IUI!
@ajsmommy: I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Losing a parent is a terrible thing. It was my mom's 12 year. Time sure does fly by!! Hoping we have some positive news Thursday!!
@Marym: I'm so sorry for your losses!! Hoping you get your BFP!!!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@LoveHope: I can completely understand. Moving to IVF isn't a decision to be taken lightly, and you definitely don't want to move there before you are emotionally ready. I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for your next IUI.
@MaryM: I hate filling out the pregnancies vs. live births on forms. It feels so sad to say 1, when I should have so much more than that. Welcome back. ️
@Ajsmommy: good luck with the ultrasound!
@Winnie13: how are you holding up?
AFM, I've been MIA lately since my dr told me we won't have Clomid this month. I'm still trying to hit fertile days, but am taking it really easy with charting, and am skipping temping entirely. Although I know I'll kick myself if I don't at least try, it still feels mostly pointless.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Crystal: It's always worth a shot to try in your own. You just never know.
pomelo / 5129 posts
For once, I want to rave about my (new) doctor.
I've had questions about our next followup and it's timing so I emailed her today (twice). She's answered the emails within 20 minutes.
Yesterday I returned a call I missed Friday and they kept me on hold while they tracked down a nurse who could help me.
With my old doctor, they'd ask me to leave a message and MAYBE they'd get back to me by the end of the day (if at all). Having someone respond to me is making SUCH a difference in my attitude about everything
kiwi / 689 posts
@MaryM: That's wonderful. Having to deal with IF is already hard let alone having horrible doctors.
pomelo / 5129 posts
So, I'm kicking myself for not testing out my HCG shots. I didn't want to feel like I was over-obsessing, so I didn't test at all.
Last night I had a regular squinter, but a negative digital. I have no idea if I had HCG left in my symptom, or if I could actually be KU on my first treated cycle.
I really don't want to get my hopes up, but now everything seems like a symptom. Of course they could also be PMS.
Thankfully I'm going out tonight so I won't be as tempted to POAS when I get home. I plan to test again tomorrow and only call the doctor if the regular test is significantly darker or a digi is positive.
kiwi / 501 posts
@MaryM: That's great news about your doctor and even better about your BFP!! Hoping it's real and not your trigger!! So exciting!! Keep us posted!
AFM, I go in tomorrow to check my follies!! I'm a little concerned because last Wednesday, I got my full fledged AF. It turned to spotting on Sat and was almost nonexistent Monday. Yesterday I had some mild cramping and then bright red!! Very light, but it's like AF is back for round 2!!! So strange!! Hoping the doc can shed some light tomorrow!!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Just had my monitoring appt and guys I don't know when to think!! Since starting all this I've always had 2-4 the tech only measured one.
And my lining is only 3mm. I'm cd11
I feel like instead of getting better my situation is getting worse.
I do have to say though that I don't fully trust this tech! She can never find my Rt ovary when every other tech has no issue. And she said something about me having a cyst last time???! Um no....not that I'm aware of.
Idk. Just feeling down after this appt.
@Winnie13: hoping you get great news about your follicles and find out what's up with af
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