pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: oh Lady I'm so sorry to read this Best wishes with July's IVF. I hope one time is all you need.
@LoveHope: I'm sorry you have to go this route too, but so awesome you can start right away. Best of luck this cycle, I hope your BFP is just around the corner.
@Ajsmommy: how are you doing?! Sorry you had to go to a funeral. It's also sad for me to read that you might not want to continue. I had many thoughts like that too over the past 18 months. I hope you can find it in your heart to carry on but maybe a short break would be good.
kiwi / 689 posts
@delight: I already feel like I'm an amazing mom to be going through everything I'm about to go through. The thought of holding my baby one day is what keeps me going.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@LoveHope: I love how you think that. You WILL be holding your baby one day and what a lucky baby they will be to have a mom that did everything possible in order to bring their them into this world. It sucks that it is so easy for some and so tough for others but hang in there.
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: Thank you! Praying that IVF is our answer. I know it will be so worth it in the end!!
@lovehope: We will have our miracles! I believe it! I think a positive outlook is the only way to view this journey!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@delight: Thanks for asking, I am just now back and getting into normal routine... We are def not doing anything fertility related this cycle. I am thinking that my plan is to get a second opinion from a different clinic and go from there. I really don't want to give up but we've been trying for 5 cycles and no luck yet so I don't want to just keep throwing money away. And DH isn't 100% on board with IVF b/c the chances are so low... his comment was "I'd spend $1000000000 if they could guarantee we'd have a baby, but they can't/don't"
@LoveHope: @Winnie13: I am sooo pulling for you ladies to get your babies!!! I am happy for you that you are moving forward and will keep praying for you!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@Ajsmommy: I'm sorry friend. I'll be praying for clarity and direction for you and your husband. Hoping and praying you get your miracle!!
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: It certainly doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. You need to do what you feel most comfortable with. I wish we could all have our miracles without going through all that we are going through. Stay strong friend.
kiwi / 739 posts
@Ajsmommy: ugh I'm sorry. I understand completely though. A lot of people don't understand why we aren't doing ivf. I think your DH hit the nail on the head about it. It's such w hard decision to put that money and brain power to it.
We are in the no new fertility related but still doing TI because "you just never know". Miracles gotta happen to someone
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Back at work this morning and of course there's a coworker who's announcing she's 13 wks along...
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: It's by far the hardest thing I have ever dealt with in my life. When I say everyone around me is announcing their pregnant, I mean everyone I know. What's wonderful about this community is the incredible support we give each other. You can always lean on us friend. Hang in there...
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@LibbyLou: right!!???
@LoveHope: you are soo right!! I love the support and understanding here. IRL no one else gets it! And I feel like a horrid person when I can't be happy for others who are pregnant. It's a horrible feeling.
I called and left a message for a second opinion this morning. I'm not sure what to think or hope for..... but i'll update when I hear back.
kiwi / 689 posts
@Ajsmommy: I've actually been avoiding a friend as horrible as that sounds. I haven't seen her since her pregnancy announcement and I find an excuse to not see her. It's so awful but I feel like if I see her, I'll lose it. I just want this part of my life to be over. It's been 2 years and it's consumed my life.
I'm glad you are getting a second opinion. Keep us posted.
pomelo / 5129 posts
I know this thread is a little dead, but I need some thoughts and prayers.
18 dpo and a positive digital. There's a chance it could be residual hcg from my shots, but this late, it's less likely.
I've emailed my dr for a lab order. Now we wait...
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@MaryM: thoughts and prayers coming your way, lady. Praying this is it for you
pomelo / 5326 posts
@MaryM: so many positive thoughts coming your way. My fingers are crossed for good lab results.
pomelo / 5129 posts
I'm at the lab. Dr ordered hcg and P levels and told me to go ahead and start taking progesterone.
I feel SO nauseated, but also didn't sleep last night.
Is this for real? (I even peed on a digital just to see the word pregnant)
kiwi / 739 posts
@MaryM: prayers!!! Good thoughts and all that jazz. Keep us posted.
Eta:CONGRATS!!!! This is awesome news
kiwi / 501 posts
@MaryM: So happy to see this!! Congratulations!! Keep us updated! Praying this is it!
pomelo / 5129 posts
I still haven't heard back from my doctor. I talked to her Friday about this time. It's totally ok for me to call back and ask for my results, right?
pomelo / 5129 posts
@Ajsmommy: I called. Three hours ago. Still no response. ARGH!
Never call a doctor about blood work on a Friday. I'm sure she's slammed today catching up from people who got sick over the weekend...
pomegranate / 3355 posts
There isn't another 6+ thread started right? I don't want to bump the wrong one up.. I think a few of us have moved onto the IVF boards, but not me
I actually have my second opinion apt tomorrow. However, I dont' have my records from my first clinic yet! I requested them but haven't gotten them yet. I hope this new clinic can meet me, go over stuff and then when my records come in review them then....
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
pomelo / 5129 posts
Finally heard back.
I'm officially pregnant! And with a high Progesterone level!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@MaryM: yeah such awesome news! Praying for you and that little baby. All the best!!
@Ajsmommy: good luck at your appointment. I'm really rooting for you.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MaryM: ️
@Ajsmommy: I'm not moving either, so I'm still here. June officially marks 3 years of trying for me. I'm getting kind of beat down.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
So, just back to update on our situation... and as they say in the movies.. "that's a wrap"... we have decided to forego any further fertility treatments. Not an easy decision. And I'm still slightly sad and upset about it. But I think it is the right one. We are blessed with our DD. I'm 100% sure if we didn't have her we'd probably be pushing on... the whole fertility treatment regime is just so draining, physically, mentally and financially. I know I've said it before but man I have so so much respect for those couples who push on month after month, sometimes years. It was just too overwhelming for me.
kiwi / 501 posts
@Ajsmommy: It's such a huge and personal decision! IF is such a struggle and every story is different. Every person is different. My very best friend has her one precious DD. They struggled for years with IF and 2 failed IVF cycles before adopting. They feel so blessed and know that this DD is the only one they will have. They cherish her and love her in a way I can only dream of loving my child. I am wishing you all the best!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
So i feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone...I'm shaking and about to pass out!!!!! So we decided to stop treatment as stated above..... Well I'm on cd34 of this first unmedicared cycle and no Af. So just now before bed I decide to test bc I've got extra cheapie....... Guys......
What is happening here!?!!??
clementine / 777 posts
@Ajsmommy: Thread stalking here, but that is a clear positive! You are pregnant my friend!
pear / 1558 posts
As a former 6+ mo ttc'er I lurk here once in a while & always love seeing BFP's for you ladies!!
@Ajsmommy: huge congrats, lady! Hoping you have a super sticky baby there & you won't have to feel bad about not pursuing any further treatment!
@MaryM: and your BFP might be "old news" but I'm so happy for you after your losses.
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