And are you okay with that?
I'm first generation Chinese/Cantonese, and I consider myself bilingual as I can understand a lot of it but speak it pretty crappily - awful accent! DH is not Chinese, so I kinda consider our LO screwed in the second-language department. I also don't live close to any family where LO would get the exposure, so that's also why I think it's impossible.
Problem is that my family and relatives are not well-versed in English, in fact, most can't speak a lick of it! So, unfortunately, LO will not be able to communicate with them! They ask me whether I've been teaching him Chinese, but my Chinese is too crappy for me to be able to bear hearing it come out of my own lips, plus, I don't think a few words here or there will make a difference. *Sigh*
I kinda feel guilty that LO won't know any Chinese, but it's a fat chance that it's gonna happen through me! If it weren't for my family, I don't think I would mind though. Then when I see grandparents of other people's LOs speaking in a different language to them, no lie, I get jealous! Hahahaha. It sucks to not have family around. *Sigh*