Sometimes I am... I count my blessings- I have an amazing husband, the bestest baby in the world - I have a great family and wonderful relationships with my parents/siblings, we have a roof over our heads and food to eat - so I know I am blessed and I should be happy with my life... but I want more..

I would like to be in a place where I'm not worried about $$ every day. I hate it. I live in worry and fear because we live paycheck to paycheck. I hate not having our own house, and I don't really like where we live - it's boring. But it's where my family is and where DH has a job. I know that if we moved, I would be very lonely without my family.

Ideally I'd also like to work, but I can't make enough to justify childcare, so that's not happening either.

Are you happy with your life, what would you change if you could?