My doctor wants us to wait till Olivia is 6 mo. to start solids. I started my other 2 at 4 mo. She seems hungry and ready, she definitely watches us eat. What are your thoughts?
My doctor wants us to wait till Olivia is 6 mo. to start solids. I started my other 2 at 4 mo. She seems hungry and ready, she definitely watches us eat. What are your thoughts?
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
I started giving LO tastes of food at 5 months but officially started at 6 months.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
I waited ... mainly for all these reasons:
Plus, it was just easier to exclusively BF for longer!
persimmon / 1465 posts
I started LO at 4 months and I think it was appropriate for us. LO really likes food now at 10 months and will eat anything. I was also keen to expose LO to some of the common allergens reasonably early as the thinking now is that early exposure can help limit allergies. It's a hard one but honestly I don't think there is a right or wrong just whatever works for you and your family.
kiwi / 525 posts
The last book I read recommended starting solids at 4 months if all is well with LO and they're looking for food. The allergy thing is a bit scary, but baby rice and puréed pears isn't going to do any harm.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
my son was a crazy hungry boy so we started solids at 3 months.
pomegranate / 3329 posts
We gave Lo rice cereal at 4 months, and just recently started foods.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
The main reason to wait to six months is to let their digestive system develop more. One option is to try baby led weaning- so LO gets solids based on whether he can pick up the food, put in his mouth, mash it up and swallow. We did this and it went really well!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
My ped suggested we start with meats at 4 months. In Europe, the approach is completely different than in the US, which is interesting, considering the digestive systems of babies are the same all over the world.
kiwi / 678 posts
I started at 6 months and ended up waiting until 7-8 months because she wasn't into it yet. I think you really just have to follow your baby's cues sometimes. Each one is different- I had friends whose babies were all about eating at 4 months, and my kid just wasn't that interested. If she was, I might have started earlier. But she was fine with the boob or bottle for awhile.
squash / 13199 posts
I have also heard that there are so many benefits to waiting to give solids till atleast 6 months or older. especially if the baby is breast fed.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I waited, also because the doctor told us to. She would watch us eat and grab for our food, but she watches everything and grabs for everything. And when it was time for her to eat, it took her a while to be interested in her food. I think it's just curiousity in general, not because she was hungry.
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