On the Today Show today they had a segment on "8 Ways We're Making Our Kids Fat" and I found it quite interesting (article here: http://moms.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/11/28/9057922-food-fails-8-ways-were-making-our-kids-fat). Some of the points, like don't give your kid too many sugary/high calorie drinks, seemed like common sense to me but others really made me think.
The point that really got my gears turning was the first point - it isn't good to make your kids clean their plate. The logic is if your making your kid eat even if they're full you're setting them up to overeat later in life by teaching them to ignore their hunger cues. That makes sense to me - but at the same time I wasn't allowed to leave the table until I finished my dinner and I've never been overweight.
What do you think of the 8 points in the article? Do you think we're making our kids fat? Are you guilty of any of these?