I have a few questions about labor & delivery and want to get the bees' opinions! I'm getting induced at 5 am tomorrow, so now seems like a good time to figure all this out.

- Did you wear your glasses or contacts while laboring? Glasses seem like a better choice (especially if I'm able to sleep at some point) but I hate the idea of pushing with glasses on. It just seems like they'll be slipping off my inevitably sweaty face the whole time. I'll have both options with me at the hospital, but wondering what others preferred.

- Did you wear your wedding rings during labor? My rings still fit! (Small miracles). However, I'm wondering if my hands will get swollen with the IV fluids, epidural, etc? Should I leave my rings at home?

- This is such a random concern, but I'm wondering about after the babies are born... Do the nurses write down the time, weight, length for you somewhere official? Do you just have to listen and remember what they say? When my first baby is getting weighed, I'm going to be trying to get her brother to vacate the premises, so I doubt I'll be able to remember anything. My husband is not a details/memory kind of guy (unless it pertains to random facts about airplanes?) so I don't know if he'll remember this stuff either. For some reason I am just worried that someone will just say Alice's stats and they will be lost in the ether and we'll never know how big she really was when she was born.

- If you were induced in the morning, did you take your hospital bags in with you? Since I'm going at 5 am, I don't think I will need toiletries, change of clothes, etc until that night at the earliest. Should we leave that stuff in the car and just bring phones, chargers, camera, snacks with us when we show up? I'm assuming my husband will be free at some point to go get the rest of our things...

Any other tips, especially about inductions, would be lovely! Thanks!