There are many parts to Attachment Parenting and I think its great to pick and choose pieces and parts that work for you. Just curious, what has everyone implemented and do you consider yourself to be attachment parenting?
There are many parts to Attachment Parenting and I think its great to pick and choose pieces and parts that work for you. Just curious, what has everyone implemented and do you consider yourself to be attachment parenting?
39 votes
pineapple / 12526 posts
The only thing we are doing is baby led weaning with solids. We do feed purees, but only as much as she feels like eating and I've been letting her explore "real" food. She's had cucumbers, broccoli, cooked potato, chicken, carrots and multi-grain cheerios so far.
pomelo / 5178 posts
We co-slept with both kids for a period, although both are in their own beds in their own rooms at this point. We didn't use CIO with either, and the only sleep training we've done was swaddle weaning with DS (but not CIO swaddle weaning). I've worn both kids, but not as extensively as AP says (for example, DS is 6 months and I only wear him now when we're out of the house because it's more convenient). We also use gentle parenting techniques, but we use the Supernanny approach to time outs.
I imagine, as the kids get older, our parenting methods will continue to evolve. Certainly I'm not opposed to changing our approach if/when we need to.
ETA: There are actually "positive" versions of time outs, although we don't necessarily use them. It's a different version of time outs from the traditional "sit in the corner until your time is up" method, but there is a positive parenting alternative, just to be clear.
eggplant / 11287 posts
We co slept for two months, but now my LO sleeps in her crib no problem. Her last stretch of night sleep is is usually in our bed, however, after my husband has gone to work (for two hours or so).
We wont do CIO, but her sleep is already pretty good. I do rock her to sleep, but she usually only wakes up once to eat after 8 or 9 hours.
I do baby wear, almost exclusively.
I plan to breastfeed until at least age 2.
All this, and I still don't really consider myself an AP mom. I just do what feels natural for me and my family.
I do plan on spanking and doing timeouts. Haven't decided o BLW yet, probably just going to watch her cues. She is 4 months.
pomelo / 5178 posts
@zippylef: Hahahaha! I love the show, but her techniques are hit and miss for me. Probably because she mainly deals with preschoolers and older, and we're not there yet!
pomegranate / 3383 posts
My goal is to bf until at least a year and we babywear quite a bit. We also do a bit of BLW but I probably help him eat enough to the point where it might. OT be considered BLW.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@Honeybee: Haha! I miss watching it! I live in England and her books are everywhere here. I'm going to pick one up when C gets older. I love her time-out/naughty chair and bedtime techniques.
pomelo / 5178 posts
@zippylef: They don't have the show on tv in the UK? There was a whole season where she dealt just with English families!
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
baby is still cooking, but i don't think we'll be doing any of those things. i won't be co-sleeping, and we will sleep train, cio, and though i plan on breastfeeding we will probably supplement too.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I guess I will answer:
She has slept with us when we were going through rough stretches of sleep and I had to get up for work. Usually she would come to our bed around 4 am.
We did a bit of CIO when she turned 1 year.
Mostly we did sleep training to help wean her of night nursings and get her to sleep in longer stretches (8-10 hours)
I baby wear when we are out of the house and when she's fussy and we are home.
We EBF until 1 year and I will continue to nurse for a while longer.
We started with purees and finger foods, really left it mostly up to her.
I'm not sure what our discipline style will be yet.
I guess all in all, I don't really consider myself practicing AP, but I do a lot of parts of it, more than a lot of my friends.
pineapple / 12526 posts
@Honeybee: Oh, they do but we don't have TV because you have to pay a TV tax here. We're cheap and watch our shows online for free. lol
pear / 1728 posts
No co-sleeping (she didnt really like it, but we slept in teh same room for about a month.) We did baby-wear and still do. EBF until 6.5 months and still nursing at 14 months. Skipped purees and went BLW because she didnt like purees. No sleep training or nap training, but had to do a bit of CIO to get her to learn to self soothe. Less than a week. So far, no spanking, but timeouts might be necessary. She has a personality the size of a sumo wrestler lol
Biggest thing is, I never knew the way I parented had a name (attachment parenting.) Its just kind of what worked for us. I had a very "go with the flow and what works" and it just happened this way.
GOLD / pear / 1845 posts
We use the things that work for us? Sharing a bed=crappy sleep for one and all. In general Dr. Sears wasn't much help with our second child's sleep. And we do time outs. I honestly didn't know much about attachment parenting until recently, but most of what seems natural for our family is considered AP.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I do not plan on doing any of these now but baby is still cooking. I do plan on sleep training, no co sleeping, and introducing solids before a year.
pomegranate / 3008 posts
We co-slept for the first month and I always did on demand feeding/nursing. We also babywear. We started to deviate but in ways that made sense for us, e.g., sleep training. We didn't do CIO by the ferber method but we did do it in a way that made sense to us.
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
I didn't really set out to attachment parent, but it's what came naturally and felt right for our family. We practice everything above except co-sleeping because LO likes to stretch out and prefers having her own space (she sleeps horribly in our bed) or BLW. I'll breast feed for at least a year, but not sure how much longer after that.
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