persimmon / 1339 posts
I'm out. Period started this morning before I could test. Had some discussions with my husband in the TWW and we are going to take the next couple of weeks to re-evaluate and decide if we're going to continue trying. This was month 8 of haphazardly trying and neither of us are sure what we want, or whether we are happy when I am late (it's happened this way 3 times since we started). Sigh!! Good luck to the rest of the pee-ers!
clementine / 787 posts
I have decided to wait to test until tomorrow. AF is due today and other then the month after my loss, I'm regular like a clock. I had some mild cramping last night but very short and more on one side. Not my normal AF is coming cramps. I was out on my morning walk before work and had serious discharge of EWCM - doesn't seem normal for me on what should be CD1. I'm hopeful but prepared for AF to show today. So I've decided to wait to see what happens today and if no aF - will test tomorrow. Wish me luck. it's going to be a long day today.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@MrsJBeeG: I'm taking all the hope I had for myself and shoving it on to you (shoving is not the right word but you know what I mean )
clementine / 787 posts
@ScarletBegonia: thanks so much. I was sorry to read that you are out this month as I assume it feels the same for most of us when it happens. I really have decided I hate the rollercoaster of emotions that ttc causes. I'm really waiting because Im not certain I can handle looking at a negative pregnancy test again. I still feel hope but think it's just better mentally for me to wait this month.
clementine / 933 posts
@ScarletBegonia: I'm sorry you're out this month. Hopefully the next few weeks will bring clarity for you & your DH
@MrsJBeeG: Good luck!!
apricot / 374 posts
@ScarletBegonia: I'm sorry. I hope the time you take to re-evaluate brings you and your husband peace, whatever you decide
clementine / 787 posts
It has been a long day of waiting. Some strong cramps that have tapered off and what appears to be pink /brown spotting for a little while. That has never happened to me. I always have a heavy flow right away. not certain what to think about it. Still keeping hope.
persimmon / 1339 posts
@MrsJBeeG: Good luck!
Re your current predicament with cramps and light spotting, my cycle changed dramatically after having my son - I was on the pill for about 15 years then off for about a year before getting pregnant - in that year my periods were ultra regular and would start with a heavy flow days 1 & 2 and taper off quickly to spotting for 2 or 3 days. Like clockwork! Since being pregnant, I have about 2 days of fairly intense cramping and sore boobs, then about 2/3 days of spotting, then 1 or 2 days of heavy flow. Its like my period has flipped! And its frustrating because those 2 days of sore boobs and cramping always fool me into thinking I'm pregnant, especially if the spotting doesn't start on CD 1 (which is what happened this month). Hopefully its early pregnancy signs for you
clementine / 787 posts
I feel sad. I believe I'm out because AF has arrived. It was a weird start and I still feel symptoms that would lead down the pregnancy side and not start of AF for me. I didn't test and think I'll just mourn a bit and then reassess with DH. So conflicted on waiting to ttc for a few months but have a big move from Europe to the US next June or July and a due date after April may be untenable.
Good luck to those still waiting.
apricot / 374 posts
Looks like this is happening! Top HPT is from yesterday (9 or 10 DPO according to FF and Ovia, respectively), bottom is from this morning (10 or 11DPO). I didn't want to share until I had a chance to tell my husband, and yesterday's test was so light I didn't think he'd believe me!
kiwi / 598 posts
@nanilani: Wow! Fantastic! Congratulations to you and your husband. Those lines aren't even that light.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
Is it too early for me to start September? I promise to still come here for the end of our list too
clementine / 787 posts
@bhbee: I was just thinking about it needs started.
Although must admit my period is so weird this month. It was normal for me right after my loss for the last two months. Now this month it's been really light, light, medium and back to light in just a few hours. I'm leaning towards testing on Sunday morning just to know for certain. I keep thinking maybe it's a weird implementation bleed. Highly unlikely but seems I'm going to need the closure after all. Sigh. Emotions are getting the best of me today.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@MrsJBeeG: hugs, we've all been there and closure is a good thing. then come to September if needed!
apricot / 374 posts
@Raspberry: @skinnycow: @MrsJBeeG: @bhbee: Thank you so much, ladies. I hope to see all of you in the May due date board soon!!
kiwi / 598 posts
@skinnycow: Are we the only ones left? I ovulated earlier than I'd projected but messed up temping so I'm either 7 or 8 DPO. Cue the symptom spotting, ugh. I might test Monday. How is your TWW going?
pear / 1728 posts
@Raspberry: I think we might be! It's dragging slowly already and I'm only 2-3 dpo. You're almost there!
nectarine / 2242 posts
@Raspberry: @skinnycow: Good luck! Still a few people left!
August POAS
8/24 - sunflowerbee
8/25 - raspberry, marfi
8/26 - skinnycow
TBD - lindsayinny, dr. pepper
heartabandoned, shybee23, happybaker, nanilani
pear / 1677 posts
@HappyBaker: Can you please take me off the list? I just started Provera yesterday.
pear / 1728 posts
@Raspberry: How are you doing? Have you tested yet?
I'm either 5 or 6 dpo and I feel zero symptoms so far (although implantation like wouldn't have occurred yet anyway).
kiwi / 598 posts
@skinnycow: I tested yesterday and this morning (BFN). AF is due Thursday so I think I'll just skip testing tomorrow to save money. I'm starting to have tender boobs and mild crampiness but they're obviously the same symptoms as pending AF. But thank you for checking in!!
I find the part you are currently in to be the hardest on my own patience! So hopeful that at least one of us if not both get BFPs to round out the month.
pear / 1728 posts
@Raspberry: I'm sorry! Probably a good idea to hold off on testing - I drive myself nuts by testing early and often.
I'm trying to wait until Friday (9 or 10 dpo) to test but I'll probably end up caving early because I'm crazy.
bananas / 9229 posts
Was on vacation last week (during O week, of course) and flying under the radar... We got some BDing in (with family staying with us), as best we could. I think I'm maybe 7 or 8DPO now? I typically start spotting around 10DPO so we'll see...
pomegranate / 3411 posts
hi everyone, i am late to the game. i haven't been on HB much lately since I had my second DS. But i am currently TTC for my third and just remembered the POAS threads so i thought it would be fun to join as i am currently in the TWW!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: August 18
POAS Date: August 29 (if i can hold off that long!)
Baby #:3
What's up this month: my birthday is on Monday, so i hope it is not ruined by Aunt Flo. Not much else going on.
For Fun: I am off work next week so hope to do some fun activities with my kids. and i am having a pool party this weekend
Just a little clarification on my cycle. I just got my period postpartum at 15 months on April 1 and it came back monthly by June, so this is my third month trying. And having a May due date is my top choice, so i am really hoping this is the month. This month i used digital OPKs for the first time ever so hoping it helps.
I also have a history of short luteal phases, so for me it is really a 10 day wait ( i have never gotten past 8 days LP except when i had a positive pregnancy test). It took me 7 months to conceive DS2. I have an appointment in September with my OB to ask about potential low progesterone...i am really hoping it doesn't take 7 months or more to get pregnant again! I would have been TTC a long time ago (we stopped using BC at like 7 months post partum), but i am still breastfeeding so i guess that delayed the return of my ovulation.
pear / 1728 posts
@californiadreams: Welcome! Happy to have someone else join because there are only a few of us left this month
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