pear / 1728 posts
I didn't test again this morning but I'm pretty sure I'm out. TMI but when DH and I had sex last night there was light red/pink blood on him after... I assume that means AF is on her way. No spotting yet today though and temp is still up.
pea / 24 posts
Hi lovlies! I am joining in here.
Cycle Day: 12
TTC Cycle: 1 dpiui
Ovulation Date: Aug 16
POAS Date: to be determined
Baby #: my first
Just did my very first Natural Cycle (no meds) IUI yesterday. feeling weak and tired even after just going to pee and I am winded. I am usually super active, yoga teacher etc. Feeling heart palpitations. lots of cramps yesterday but now just mild. and gas...oh yes. fun stuff. but happy for all the symptoms as it means I am HERE, trying. Looking forward to hearing all your stories and experiences and feelings.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@HYPATIA: I'm sorry you are going through this. I know how difficult it is. I have had anovulatory cycles and they are heartbreaking while TTC. I can also sympathize and empathize with the diabetic component in your life as my father has Type 1βLADA, my Pe-Pere had Type 1 (since he was 2 years old) and my Pops developed Type 2 later in life as he had an addictive personality (food and alcohol). Both grandfathers passed from complications (11 years apart) and my father was in a diabetic coma once but now manages fine. I was tested often when pregnant due to familial history but, I do digress. My point is that you are aware of the issue, the catalyst, the triggers, and how you may best ameliorate the situation ... You have a plan for success! Allow yourself to feel upset for a bit. Be kind to yourself. Prioritize. Then, get a start on the plan. We will all be here for you! Best of luck!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Girl, your "wonky" cycle is confusing me! I REALLY want to say that you still could be. Your BBT looks
GREAT! Besides, spotting can occur during a cycle for a plethora of reasons besides being the precursor to AF (eg. Stress, illness, hormonal fluctuations, sexual friction on the cervix ... The list goes on.
). F'x your hat is still in the ring!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Wonderwoman: Awesome name! Pleasure to meet you and welcome to the August (& early September ) POAS Board! Good luck with your IUI this cycle ... I'll add you as a "TBD" to our board immediately.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Wonderwoman: TBD
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
SupernovaJ: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 20
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
September 2018 POAS
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Mrs. Toad: Sept 3
Best of luck to everyone this (& next) month!
pea / 24 posts
@Kaohinani: thank you for the warm welcome! I am happy to be here even tho I may be a bit later than most of you.
I am at the beginning of the dreaded 2 week wait that I have been hearing about. My blood test with my fertility doc is on the 30th. I may POAS a day or 2 before. Not sure yet. As a newbie, any advice from any of you on how I can make the time go faster?! I am obsessed with symptoms and have never used google so much in my entire life as I am now.
I am 39 and my DH is 56. Our doc said my reproductive system is YOUNGER than my age. So I take that as a good thing. But my DH's sperm is borderline but still doc thought it was good enough for insemination.
Those of you who think you are preggers, would love to hear some of the pre-POAS "wonky" symptoms...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Wonderwoman: You will fit in beautifully here. Many of us are at various points in our cycles at this time so there is/or will always be someone to speak with about TTC, the long TWW, cycle issues, sharing BBT charts or (even better) OPKs and HPTs! The majority of us are between 25 and 42 years of age (* I am 38), so consider yourself surrounded with contemporaries from all walks of life and worldwide.
I am the board moderator this month but it alternates. If you need anything, feel free to write. All of these ladies are amazing!
persimmon / 1141 posts
@mdf106: Yay thatβs amazing!! First BFP!!! Congrats.
Soooo. At only 8dpo, I caved and tested about an hour ago and... are my eyes playing tricks on me!?
clementine / 795 posts
@Hypatia: Iβm in a similar place as you, Iβve been waiting to ovulate but nothing yet, and Iβm pretty sure Iβm insulin resistant as well. Hang in there and keep us updated!
@Wonderwoman: Welcome!! Iβll be POAS a little after you depending on when I ovulate! The tww is agonizing but you are in good company here.
@SupernovaJ: omg I see something!!! did it come up within 5 min??
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@SupernovaJ: I "think" I may see something!!! . There is even light color. Did it appear during the appropriate time? So excited!
Take one again tomorrow morning (FMU) and if it is darker you will absolutely know! Good luck
cherry / 119 posts
@Kaohinani: Thank you! We managed to get everything taken care of today. Very thankful for that. My "wonky" cycle continues, unfortunately. I blame my lack in discipline with my diet. Been too lax with those carbs I think it triggered my PCOS. Symptoms are largely gone now.
@hypatia I'm so very sorry for what you are going through and can relate. Diabetes runs in my family, too, and I think my diet may have affected my cycle as well. Maybe we can Keto together.
@wonderwoman Welcome! Love the name as well!
@supernovaj I can see something! So excited for you mama!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Question for the ladies who may actually be on here on a Sat evening -
Bright yellow urine for over 24 hours even while WELL hydrated (over a gallon of liquids) ... something to worry about or nothing?
I can not find anything on scholarly websites so I have "Dr Googled" myself into "WTHeck" is wrong with me?!? At current, everything from dehydration (which I couldn't be), to multiple foreign disease (no way I have those!), pregnancy (perhaps), diabetes (genetically, perhaps), liver failure (Hopefully, not!),... the list goes on. I've freaked myself out over freakishly yellow pee!
cherry / 119 posts
@Kaohinani: I have no answers I'm sorry. I guess if it were me, I'd wait it out a day to see if it goes away. No idea what it could be.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@MrsDynamiteGal: Thanks, Dynamite Gal. I'll be turning in at around 10:30 so I just may do that. I just hope everything is fine. I'm not usually easy to panic but this is just WEIRD! Thank you again.
persimmon / 1141 posts
@starlitsky @Kaohinani yes it came up within 5 mins but I really thought my eyes were seeing things. I put it down and walked away and had to come back to it. I actually had a dip in my temps this morning (implantation?) so we'll see if my temps rise again the next couple of days. Not quite doing the happy dance yet until the temps stay elevated!
Baby dust to all, and welcome @wonderwoman !
clementine / 995 posts
I am joining this thread for the first time. I have been waiting to try for a long time, and this is our first official cycle TTC.
Cycle Day: 16
TTC Cycle: 1st! I have been off of BCP for 3 cycles, but this is the 1st time we have hit the fertile window due to traveling. My first two cycles we were traveling and staying with our parents during ovulation so BD just didnβt happen.
Ovulation Date: August 17
POAS Date: August 27
Baby #: 1
Anything exciting you'd like to share: I got a blazing positive OPK on August 16. I am not currently temping, but if we donβt conceive in the next few cycle I may try it. Wondfo OPKs seem to be working well for me so far. My first few cycles off of the BCP have been very regular, and I think I am ovulating on CD 14 or 15 based on OPKs. The only thing that is concerning after coming coming off of BCP is that I seem to have a short luteal phase, but it seems to be getting longer with each cycle. They have been 9 and 10 days. I know it is still early so I am not too concerned.
We are going to the beach in a couple of weeks with family so I may have to tell them right away if I get a BFP. It will be hard to hide if I am not drinking. If I get a BFN I can enjoy some margaritas and beer on the beach.
clementine / 973 posts
@SupernovaJ: I see it! This is what my BFP looked like with DS! I hope itβs yours too! FX!
clementine / 973 posts
@Kaohinani: vitamins sometimes do this to my urine! I hope itβs either nothing or it means your going to get your BFP!!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@SupernovaJ: I definitely see something! Keep us updated!
@Kaohinani: vitamins and pregnancy have been the things (aside from dehydration) that has done that to my pee. I'm hoping it's the pregnant bit for you!
clementine / 795 posts
@Kaohinani: vitamins have definitely done that to my pee too... did you start any new supplements?
@NCSUchick27: welcome!! How exciting, your first cycle TTC!!
@SupernovaJ: that sounds super promising!! Let us know how your temps and tests look tomorrow!
@MrsDynamiteGal: Iβm seriously considering starting keto too!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: @Sams Mom: @Starlitsky:
Thank you for responding, ladies. I haven't changed any of my medications or vitamins (the Honest Co Prenatals and an extra Folic Acid supplement) and I doubt (although I always hope) I'm pregnant this cycle. That is why it caused such alarm. I get my panels (blood and urine draws) done tomorrow, I believe, so, hopefully, if there is an issue, it will be found.
On the BBT front, I WAS from 98.22 to 98.45 yesterday but, today (12 dpo ), I find myself
to 98.29. I don't know whether it is to be a "dip" or the start of my depressive BBT decline into the torturous depths of AF. Guess I will find out tomorrow, eh?
@NCSUCHICK27: Welcome to the August (and early September) POAS Board. It is a pleasure having you here! Best of luck this cycle and I'll add you to our POAS list immediately!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
August 2018 POAS -
Wonderwoman: TBD
Yellowbeach: TBD
Hypatia: Aug 1
Megpie: Aug 7
Mrs. Toad: Aug 9
Emileecatherine: Aug 12
Magnolia: Aug 14
MrsDynamiteGal: Aug 14
MDF106: Aug 16
SkinnyCow: Aug 17
SupernovaJ: Aug 20
Paranundrum : Aug 20
Kaohinani : Aug 20
Jessiemuller88: Aug 22
Sam's Mom: Aug 25
Hypatia: Aug 26
NCSUchick27: Aug 27
September 2018 POAS
Starlitsky: Sept 1
Mrs. Toad: Sept 3
Best of luck to everyone this (& next) month!
persimmon / 1168 posts
@Hypatia: Iβm sorry to hear about your cycle. I quit sugar back in May - for a different reason (my teeth are awful) and Itβs so hard! I have had a few slip ups this summer. I definitely crave it more when Iβm down. What is the keto diet?
pea / 24 posts
Thank you, my fellow Wonderwomen! We are all amazing...I am high from listening to all my fertility affirmations. I keep imagining my little fertilized egg implanting. What do you guys think of pineapple? I have read some mixed reviews.
@KAOHINANI and @Paranundrum good luck tomorrow!
@SupernovaJ Congrats!
Oh one more question, I usually love Kefir, but this morning when I tried it, I nearly gagged. Is it in my head or could this be early sign? Anyone else feeling food aversions? Maybe it is too early to tell. I know every wonderwoman will feel differently though.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@magnolia: A ketogenic diet (or Keto Diet) is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carb diet. The goal of it is to get more calories from protein and fat than from carbs. Essentially, it works by depleting one's body of its store of simple sugars, so the body will begin to break down protein and fat for energy. The process is called "ketosis." (Ketosis promotes weight loss.) This diet is used to control seizures in some people with epilepsy (myself included when I am pregnant and am not allowed to take my Topamax), as well as, stabilizing sugar levels and generating weight loss in those with diabetes, hormonal insulin-resistance, PCOS, and hypothyroidism, just to name a few. It has become a new "diet craze" in Hollywood for rapid weight loss and has replaced the Atkins and "caveman" diets. Long term studies have not been evaluated on extensive usage on the Keto Diet simply for use for weight loss.
Hope my response was of some help.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: your temp fluctuation today should be considered "stable" by FF, obviously only time and a couple more days of temps will tell but I'm really hoping for #3 on 33 for you!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Wonderwoman: Thank you! I eat pineapple with the core from 5 dpo until 13 dpo every cycle hoping the Bromelain will support implantation. This is something many Polynesian Islanders believe and I have been trying to incorporate into my diet, especially since I was consuming so much of it when I conceived my DS over 4 years ago!
During my Clomid cycles, my Progesterone is really high and I suffer with what I call "non-symptoms." Gagging and food aversion can be one of them (Peanut butter, bananas, trash, etc! GAG! Yuck!). It is all due to my sensitivity to the level of Progesterone in my body so, perhaps, it is the same with you at this time.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: FF is considering me "stable." I'm too chicken to POAS.
. My only "non-symptoms" are being hungry, bloated (but I'm on a Clomid cycle and have Edema so I don't count it. Lol), having bright yellow urine, occasional light cramps and sciatica. None of this is like how I felt with DD or DS so I'm thinking #33 is another "no-go" which is a bummer. Oh well, keeping positive...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Aw, I'm sorry! . 10 dpo is still fairly early and all of your data is so promising ... Give it a few more days, and, hopefully, you'll see your BFP!
cherry / 119 posts
@ncsuchick27 Welcome!
Well girls, I'm officially out. AF finally showed her face today. Disappointed, but glad to finally have closure on this wonky cycle. I can move on and start again.
Best of luck and π€ to everyone for a BFP!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@MrsDynamiteGal: I'm sorry, Dynamite Gal! . I am glad, though, that you are okay with it and are ready to start next cycle with a positive outlook!
. I hope to see your BFP in September!
pear / 1728 posts
AF arrived for me this morning so I'm out too. On to the next one!
I believe I agreed to start the September board so I'll do that sometime this week.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@skinnycow: Thanks, skinnycow! I appreciate you taking over the board for September ... if I don't get my BFP this month or in September, I'll try to moderate the October board.
I'm so sorry to read that AF actually began. . I kept holding out for your BFP. I'm hoping to see it in September!
cherry / 119 posts
@Kaohinani: it's okay. I'm looking forward to temping and OPKs. It'll be a new experience for me.
@skinnycow I'm sorry. Hopefully we'll get ours next month!
clementine / 973 posts
Happy Sunday ladies! So Iβm totally symptom spotting over here. My nipples have been βerectβ for two days now. They are like that even when Iβm not cold and look swollen. Anyone else experienced this in the 2ww? My breast are also full and tender on the sides. Iβm 10DPO.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Yes! "Pointy nipple syndrome!" Lol. I have had it since 7 dpo. They look like I could cut glass with them. . Of course, my nipple and side-breast discomfort has all but disappeared so IDK what to think at this point. *shrugs* BUT, I'm so glad someone else has had this. I've been thinking my body is going crazy with all of the weird.
clementine / 973 posts
@Kaohinani: Iβm dying at pointy nipple syndrome! It really is comforting to know someone else has also had βwonkyβ symptoms! Thanks for your reply. So I went and bought a pack of FRER for the next couple mornings, and of course my impatient ass couldnβt wait and took one after a 1.5 hour hold. Iβm either the βQueen of Indent linesβ or I might have the start of a BFP! Only time will tell!
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