Hellobee Boards


August POAS!!

  1. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts


    Congrats to this mama! Great way to start August!

    More to come!


    Keep us updated as your date approaches!

    7th - T.H.O.U., Reese
    9th - cookie_dough
    10th - CharityAnne
    11th - Meridian
    12th - nana87, mfa_lady, littlek, MrsMcD
    14th - fotolori1, PEAPIE
    15th - Sprite, PrincessBab
    16th - LizSmith
    17th - sera_87, jhd, heybrookeashley, littleredhairedgrl, FaithFertility
    19th - mrsog
    20th - sweetkeight
    21st - ellewoods84, Claire.Peonies
    24th - runnerd
    27th - Boopers
    28th - Tundra Daisy, Littlebit
    29th - AlmostMrsG
    TBA - NorCalWayfarer, doxielove, Pui

    Looking forward to seeing you again in September!

    LindsayInNY, babycanuck


    Thanks for cheering us on!

    LovelyPlum, delight, ABCmrs, FutureMrsMcK, Dandelion, Adira, cmbknyc, thismustbetheplace, Mrs. 64, Smurfette, Happygal, Penny Lane, runsyellowlites, MrsTiz, Adira, Bao, HazelEyes, SweetiePie, chibee, MrsKoala, Honeygold89, dc yoga bee

    Luck and baby dust!

  2. Claire.Peonies

    apricot / 402 posts

    @pui: are you on clomid? I have heard- but not sure if I believe it or not- positive opk can be seen with hcg molecule- myth? Either way I am crossing every finger and toe for you! Thank you for your organized and updated lists!

  3. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Claire.Peonies: This is my first Clomid cycle. Clomid can cause false positive OPKs, which could explain the first 3 positives I got.

    I read on peestickparadise.com that OPKs can sort of be used as HPTs, but not really reliably.


    grape / 99 posts

    Boooo! Hugs to you @babycanuck. Onward!

  5. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @babycanuck: Sorry Why back to charting?

  6. tarabonno

    cherry / 228 posts

    I've been stalking these boards long enough... I suppose I should also contribute!

    Cycles Trying: The million dollar question. Been trying for 6 months but only two cycles. I'm in the "crazy long cycle for no apparent reason" boat with @pui.
    Current Cycle Day: CD36 (which for me, is still early!)
    Estimated Ovulation Date: According to the ClearBlue monitor, somewherebetween CD 19 and 24. Never got a peak, but went from high to low on day 25, so FX.
    POAS Date: Already started, of course, because I'm crazy and can't help it.
    BD Timing: ED during high fertility on the monitor, EOD since then (just in case it was wrong?)
    Anything new or extra this cycle? I've been taking Vitex to help regulate my cycles, which have been anywhere between 40 and 100+ days since coming off bc pills last year. Using the ClearBlue monitor at my doctor's suggestion... had bloodwork and no apparent reason for long cycles.

    What’s your favourite midnight snack? Cookie dough!

    Nice to meet you ladies. I've been following you for awhile, so I feel like I already know you!

  7. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @tarabonno: Welcome! Sorry to hear you're in my boat, but hopefully the Vitex helps!

  8. tarabonno

    cherry / 228 posts

    @pui When I saw my doctor about it, I said, "So basically, I might have half the chances to try as everyone else?" She said, "Yes, and that is not ideal. It's also not the end of the world." Some good perspective! Here's hoping August is our month together!


    grape / 99 posts

    I'm getting excited to see some POAS action! Is it time yet?!

    To bide time until we see some sticks... If you could go on a two week vacation tomorrow to distract you from the TTW, where would you go?

    I'd go to Colorado to hike in the mountains, sleep under the stars and spend some time near a cold river or mountain lake. (it was 103 where I live today).


    grape / 99 posts

    Welcome @tarabonno!

  11. AlmostMrsG

    cherry / 106 posts

    @tarabonno: welcome

    @mrshoneybear: I would go to Bali - surf and hang out at the beach.

  12. MrsCDH

    olive / 71 posts

    Hi all,

    First post for me, and just getting the hang of the terminology and jargon that comes with getting ready to make a baby!

    I'm Irish but living in the Middle East and we have just decided to jump onboard the ttc express!! My friends and family are all at home, so I am thrilled to have found this community to share this experience with in their absence.


    Cycles Trying: 1st (using protection but not BCP until mid-July)
    Current Cycle Day: CD11
    Estimated Ovulation Date: 9th, 10th or 11th August (according to Fertility Friend!)
    POAS Date: AF due 24th August, so I'll likely wait until after that
    BD Timing: EOD since 4th August (hopefully ED on estimated ovulation dates)
    Anything new or extra this cycle? First time!

    And bonus question: What’s your favourite midnight snack? Hmm... too many! Maybe Pringles if I'm feeling very bold!

  13. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @MrsCDH: welcome and good luck!!

  14. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @MrsCDH: welcome, we can be POAS buddies this cycle! (although I won't make it to the 24th to start testing haha)

  15. Tundra Daisy

    cherry / 150 posts

    @MrsCDH: Welcome and baby luck to you!

    I have written for a while but I've been watching the board

    I'm really hoping this is my month - I've armed myself with a OPK and I'm going to start testing tomorrow! I've been taking my temp.. it seems pretty consistent so far - I've still got to read up on this a bit though because i'm not sure what i should be looking out for heheh?

    I've also booked in for three acupuncture sessions, my naturopath suggested one before, one during and one after O! and I'm going to go crazy with the BDing this next week!

    LOL if all this doesn't work I'll be a bit sad! It's only my second cycle trying but I'm SO impatient hehehe!

  16. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Well my temp actually stayed up today. I am legitimately surprised.


  17. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @MrsCDH: Welcome! Let us know if you have any questions at all!

    @Tundra Daisy: FX that you'll be an April mama!

    @tarabonno: Are you seeing a RE?

  18. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @pui: Yea yea yea!!!!! Did you get a cover line on FF?

  19. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Reese: @T.H.O.U.: Any news??

  20. tarabonno

    cherry / 228 posts

    @pui: Yay!!! You're not out until you're out, right?!?

    No RE for me yet, just a standard OB/GYN. She offered a referral but I wasn't emotionally ready for that yet. She was very reassuring and has patients with long irregular cycles all the time, and while getting the timing right is trickier, there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to get pregnant. So DH and I decided to try to be zen (ha - HB joke of the year, right??) until September when I would have my yearly exam, and if still no BFP we will talk about referrals and possibly Clomid.

  21. babybean404

    apricot / 386 posts

    Thank you to everyone for the support!! I am excited for this month for all of you guys!!!

    @lindsayinny I get up at 5 most days to work out so I've set the alarm for 5 every day to take my temp. I think it is the mouth breathing that is causing some low ones. i have resigned myself to temping vaginally after AF shows. not super excited about it but I don't think oral temps are accurate for me. Sorry about AF
    @mrs. j did you take your temps orally? I just can't figure out how charting would give me better info since my temps are so wacko!!!
    @littlek yes, i am feeling a lot better about it all today. i'm going to wait for AF to come and try to relax and enjoy being "childfree" slash "childless" depending on whichever one is more PC at the moment
    @tundradaisy acupuncture is something i've been considering for a while!!! let me know what it's like!!
    @tarabonno @mrscdh so glad you guys joined in this month too!!!

    and to everyone...i have decided to make the most of my time by ordering a digital fertility monitor and some "sperm friendly" lube from amazon. we usually use a friend's prime account but i definitely would rather wait than have him get an email with those items on it!!! does anyone have any suggestions for the easiest/best ones???

  22. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @tarabonno: I don't seem to O on my own at all... so I need a bit more than just good timing. I'm supposed to be seeing an RE soon to at least start being monitored. I would still recommend an RE if you try Clomid. Apparently not being monitored with Clomid is a very bad idea.

  23. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @MRSHONEYBEAR: Good question. I would say Hawaii.

    @MrsCDH: Welcome and good luck!

  24. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: update????

  25. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    I am shameless.. I totally POAS last night and then took it apart to examine further.. i'm pretty much 100% i'm out of it this month.. however, because i love to POAS, i will probably continue.. "hello my name is K* and I love to POAS"

  26. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @pui: @littlek: Thanks for asking.

    Still no AF or spotting so that is GREAT news! I really think the b-complex helped this month.

    I did POAS this morning. There might have been a shadow there (at the 5 min mark) but it went away as it dried. I will keep testing and keep my fingers crossed. No symptoms either (not for lack of looking though)

  27. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Good luck!!! I hope you see a stronger line! Are you going to POAS tomorrow?

  28. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: When is AF expected?

    What about @Reese? Update???

  29. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @littlek: My LP has been really wacky (last month I had my period by this point). But if you assume 14 days after ovulation then AF would be due Monday the 12th.

  30. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: So in theory, it could be too early to test. Fingers crossed for a dark line tomorrow.

  31. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @babybean404: I just wanted to let you know that if you're a "family member" on Prime, your friend won't get any info about your orders If you use his Amazon account itself, then he will! Not a recommended thing to do...

  32. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @babybean404: We have the clearblue fertility monitor. I haven't tried it yet. We are officially starting to TTC in october, so I will probably start monitoring once AF comes this month.

  33. babybean404

    apricot / 386 posts

    @mrs.someone i am not a family member...he just gave us his login. but my MIL does have it too, so I wonder if we could ask her to add us. I don't think i want to risk either of them finding out though!

    @littlek that is the one I am leaning towards! and for the record, I love to POAS as well!

  34. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @babybean404: Ahh, ok. Thats not the right way to share Prime You can add up to 4 "family members" who will get your benefits. If you have your friend's login, I guess you can add yourself that way?

  35. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @LindsayInNY - there's no way for me to control any situation like this, I know...I'm a wreck emotionally but hoping that going back to charting and having something to look at *might* help my mindset a little bit? Losing hope that's all.

  36. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @babycanuck: How many cycles have you been TTC?

  37. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: No AF is a good sign. FX for you!!

  38. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @PUI - going into my 9th. I know it's not nearly as long as other people, I know. I wrote to my dr in May who said to keep trying. I see her Sept 9th so I'm sure we'll talk about it then and she'll do whatever blood work.

  39. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    We are on the sidelines this month following my lap. I'm feeling back to my normal self and ready to ttc again. I feel like time is moving sooooo slowly. My doctor also said that sometimes the cycle after a surgery can be longer than usual. I hope not!

  40. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @babycanuck: Don't worry, I've only been TTC for 7 months, but since I haven't conclusively O'd yet I ran out of hope a long time ago. I really hope doctors are able to help you out.

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