Our son (2 1/2) was a pleasant surprise, but a surprise none the less. We'd been married awhile but my husband had gotten out of the marines only about a year prior to getting pregnant. We only had a 1 bedroom apartment, we wanted to buy a house but where we live the housing market is really expensive. my husband works construction and his job was very unstable at the time. We upgraded to a big 2 bedroom when our son was about a year old but we do still rent. My husbands job has gotten more stable over time and a lot more $$ especially the last 6 months to where he wants to have another child... And there's a part of me that wants that too. We give our son a good life and we are a good little family unit together. But being surrounded by big houses in surburbia makes me feel inadequate to the point where I don't know if I should have another child before we buy a house, which we still need some time to do. At the same time, I don't want my children to be far apart in age. So I feel so stressed about it and torn. Has anyone felt like this about baby number 2.. I feel like everyone will think I'm crazy to purposely try to another child now.....