I woke up 3/19 at 5am with some contractions. Just little guys, nothing to scratch at. I tried to lay back down but couldn't so gave up and went to go check on things around the house. Things were still mild so I figured it was just more braxton hicks or something.
At 10am, I decided to call the birthing center to see what I should do. I seriously couldn't remember if these were like the contractions I had had just a year ago. Birth amnesia, it's a real thing!!! My midwives said to come in around noon and they could check me. I went to the grocery store with Zuma because I had of course forgotten to get her snacks and diapers to take to grandmas. After the store we headed to the birthing centeR. I was checked and was at a 5. I opted to go back home and walk and hope that things moved along.
Came home and was walking for a while, things were feeling a little worse. My mom offered to come pick up Zuma at 4pm. Then I headed back to the birthing center. They checked and I was still a 5. Ugh!!! So I started taking some homeopathic and sitting on a labor ball but they atleast checked me in!
Basically labor was boring and slow. And I was getting discouraged fast. I finally called my husband and parents and Zuma to come over around 10. At that point the contractions were picking up and I was a crying mess. Not crying because of the pain, no, I was having a full on toddler meltdown and crying because I didn't want to tear again. They checked and I was 8cm. Still slow moving.
Oh I had forgot to mention, my water broke once at 5cm, then another pocket broke like an hour later, and then he had a bulging bag on his head at 9cm. Like seriously? I must have had a bubble wrap bag of waters.
Anyways, I sat on the birthing stool and contractions were getting worse. They checked and I was a 9 and they popped my 600th bag of waters and 3 contractions later I asked for a warm washcloth to hold down below. And all of a sudden baby was out. No pushing, just projectile flew out of me. It hurt! Worse than the first time!!! But NO TEARING!!!! He came out screaming like a banshee. And peeing like a banshee. I honestly can't remember if anyone caught him, poor babe. But I was like a foot off the ground on that stool. It's foggy already. I held onto him and moved to the bed.
Birthed the placenta, waited a long time for it to stop pusling, cut it myself and went about my business. He was weighed, 6lbs11oz which is 1 ounce less than his sister was and he was 19 inches. So perfect. He does have some bruising on his nose from the fast descent. I couldn't be more happy. He seriously is amazing. And holy cow I feel so much better than last year. The whole no tearing part was the winner for me.
Oh and his name is Pirate E Merlin Anderson. Big name for a little guy. E is my dad's middle name and Merlin ks the name of my wonderful Grandpa who passed away.