When do you put your LO to sleep? My baby is 2 months old and usually goes to bed around 10pm. I've tried putting her down earlier because I've heard most people's bedtime for their children is around 8-8:30 but when I do she just cries and cries - it will take me over an hour to get to go to sleep when I do this. If I put her down around 10-11 she goes to sleep much easier. Is this ok? My husband thinks she's too little to have a real bedtime so as long as she's sleeping ok we're good to go. She also doesn't take very long naps during the day. Her longest is about an hour but she won't do that very often. Most are about 20-30 min. I think the problem with her naps are that she will fall asleep in her car seat when we go places so never feels like she needs a long nap - does that make sense? Any suggestions are welcome - I just want to have a good sleeper but I'm not sure when I need to try to set up a schedule and when to let her do her own thing!