Hi ladies, pretty scary stuff for a first time momma happened to me and baby boy. We are off to the ped right now but wanted to see if anyone had experiences. Twice in the past two weeks our 4week old has been laid down for a nap after 2 hours has passed from bottle feeding, but then begins choking and is not able to breath. His head tilts back, his eyes roll almost backward, his face turns red, and he makes gasping sounds as he tries desparately to take in a breath. he arches his back and looks in so much pain. I burp his back his back until it's passed, and the only thing that comes out is a bubbly, thin, clear saliva substance. Both times it's happened it's been 2 hours since he's eaten. He's also been pretty gassy and fussy lately in between feeds. He spit up twice today already. Has anyone else had this same problem and was it diagnosed as reflux? What did you do when your baby was choking?