Hellobee Boards


Baby girl's birth story (LazyLightning's) - fevers and nicu and other such biz

  1. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    She is precious! Congrats!

  2. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    @LazyLightning: Hope you saw my post on your wall...

  3. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    @rawrasaur: YES! I had gotten a notification but couldn't figure out what it was for - turns out I had to log in to see it. Thanks so much!!!

  4. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    What a birth story!! You cracked me up "mama wants an Arctic Rush"! Glad to hear you're getting good rest and recovery time even though your LO is in the NICU. Just a couple more days and she'll be home, and you'll be in a much better state! =)

  5. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! (A little belated, I missed this post somehow). Hope motherhood is treating you well!

  6. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    Wow, sounds so full on! In the end though, you got such a beautiful reward. Hope you are both on the mend!


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