T is 9 months old btw
He had a full pee diaper when he woke up about 5:30am. I changed him and he pooped (it was normal and soft) at about 6:30 so I changed him and started making breakfast. I can't remember if I changed him in between then and when he went down for his nap at 8am. He woke up from his nap at 10am dry. We went out and ran some errands and I came home at noon thinking he must be reDy for a change and he is still dry!

He's eating like normal so I don't think he's dehydrated. He also developed a runny nose overnight and I believe he's teething. I'm kind of worried. That's at least 5 hours and honestly I'm not sure if he had peed when I changed his poopy diaper.

Even though he's got a cold he's been happy and smiley all morning
I sent his Ped an email but no response yet.