It's a boy!!!

So it is one week bf my EDD and I woke up about 11:30pm, an hour after going to sleep last night to a pop. Woke DH saying I think my water just broke, made it to the bathroom and, yup it sure did! Contractions started coming soon thereafter. The doc told me to try and stay home until 3:30/4 unless I got to 5-1-1. I labored at home for a bit and got around 5-1-1 at 3am so went to the hospital.

I was not sure about med free or not, so labored until the doc on call (not in my practice, but loved her) got in since I couldn't get an epi until then anyway. Since my water had broken and I was positive for strep b the nurses couldn't check me but I wanted to know my progression bf making my decision on the epi. When the dr finally got there at 6 I was 90% effaced and at 5cm. Doc was shocked at how well I progressed. We talked about it and I did decide to get the epi so I could sleep, since she could see I was already exhausted from not getting any that night and even though I was progressing relatively fast, my contractions were slowing a bit. It also gave some time to finish my two bags of penicillin for the strep B, which she wanted to do if at all possible bf pushing.

I didn't really sleep bc of the stupid blood pressure cuff that kept going off just when I was drifting off,and a little burning from the penicillin site but I did rest. Besides I was still feeling pressure as the little guy descended. And DH got a little bit which was good.

I think I started pushing a little after 9am, and had little J at 10:39. So all in all about an 11 hr labor. The staff was all in awe with how textbook and yet fast my labor was. Esp for a FTM.

DH got to announce the sex, which was important to us, and had a great emotional moment that I'll cherish forever.

We are both doing great. J is 8 lbs 4 oz and has a little bruising on his head, but we've had a few good latches and keeps getting the thumbs up from his check ups. He even had a poop when he was getting his bath. I had second degree tears, but got stitched up and figure it could be a lot worse.

I'm so in love