Tell me (or better yet, SHOW me) how did you baby-proof your fireplace? Our main play area for K is in our small living room. The fireplace hearth is pretty low and all marble. There is a built-in mesh screen. The only thing I could figure out so far is this kind of foam edge-protector. Other ideas I've seen online don't seem very secure. I'm sure any toddler can easily pull away cushions and blankets... I don't want something obviously hideous too. Our fireplace is literally directly across from our front door and the first thing you see. Any other ideas?

Also, if you have older LOs, how long did you keep it baby-proofed? I'm quite sure my siblings and I all ate it bad multiple times on my parents' brick fireplace, and not just when we were little-little...

* My current "baby-proofing-bumper" system for now. *