My 5 month old has been sleeping terrible at night for the last 3 weeks Prior to this, she had 1-2 short wake ups or was sleeping through the night.

She usually goes to bed without too much trouble, but once she wakes up for a motn feed, she will not go back to sleep for hours. Last night she was up from 12:30-3:30. She's happy (but wide awake) if I hold her, and cries when I put her in the crib.

I am frustrated and exhausted. Any suggestions are welcome.

More details:
I WAH, so she's home with me all day. My mom comes over a couple days a week to watch her.

Bedtime is 7:30-8:00, routine is always jammies, book, nurse/bottle, bed.

She'll sleep til around 12:30am (sometimes fusses a bit before then, but goes back to sleep). Once she wakes up to eat, she'll be awake for 3+ hours before going back to sleep. Then she usually sleeps for another 4-5 hours.

Awake times during the day are 2 hours or less, and she takes 2-3 naps depending on their length.

She generally puts herself to sleep for naps (and used to in the motn).

I don't talk to her or play with her at night, diaper is only changed if it's really wet or dirty, lights are kept dim. Sometimes she'll fall asleep while I nurse her, but she wakes up a few minutes after I lay her down.

I've tried letting her cry (up to an hour, she just got more upset and I was a mess from listening to her cry). I've tried feeding her more, giving a bottle instead of nursing, giving tylenol in case it's her teeth.
She sleeps with a fan for white noise, but I've tried other white noise (waves, etc) and it doesn't make a difference.
The swing usually keeps her from crying, but she stays awake unless it's been a couple hours.

We stopped swaddling when she started to roll at 3 months. We were using a merlin sleepsuit until a couple weeks ago, but it didn't help much so we just use a sleep sack now.