I'm cross-posting this from the May POAS thread hoping someone can help provide some insight!

This is my third cycle charting and the last two cycles have had a previous obvious temperature spike post-O. I'm due for a spike now but can't really tell if I have, haven't or if it's in progress. My pre-O temps have been higher than usual this cycle. My pre-O temps usually tend to be between 96.5 and 97.2 pre-O with the exception of some later morning temps. This cycle has been 97 to 97.8 which is much higher, especially pre-O! Today's temp was 97.7 which is higher than recent days and closer to my post-O temps from the past two cycles (97.7 to 98.7 and 97.6 to 98.5)..

Here's my chart, if anyone is interested - it only shows this cycle and last cycle though. The cycle not shown was 63 days - I started temping around CD37 and my post-O temps were 97.8 and higher before AF came (pre-O was 96.5 to 97.2).

My Ovulation Chart

The last two cycles were charted in a different apartment. It had terrible insulation and was freezing during the winter so we used a heating blanket. My current cycle has been entirely post-move. I know the weather has changed but so have other circumstances - namely, the heating blanket. I'm still waking up around the same time. Possibly wearing slightly less clothing?

I don't know if the weather and seasons can affect things like pre-O temperatures or what. Any ideas?? (sorry so long!)