Hi lovelies,

LO is 6 months in just a few days and is still not STTN. He used to sleep pretty much all night until 4 months hit, and then that went bye bye.

Anyways, total bad mom move but I am so exhausted from going in there about 3x times per night I finally cave and end up bringing him to our room with us (basinet by bed) where he sleeps for 2 hours until 6:00am for first bottle. We put him down at 6:45pm every night and he'll sleep until 10:30pm - 11:30pm and then he starts to stir and cry. I let him cry for a little bit then go in and soothe and then an hour or two later the whole process starts again. I reallllllly don't want to start any more bad habits since he'll be 6 months and I hear its harder to break. Is there any advice anyone can give? When did your little ones start STTN? Mom and dad really don't want to share our room with him anymore.