I cannot get over the crazy that comes out in people when you're about to have a baby.

Today is my EDD, and while I am super excited to become a Mom, I am not the least bit anxious at this point and know she'll come when she's ready and if I have to be induced, so be it. This entire pregnancy I have tried to not get hung up or set on anything, learn and take things as they come to keep myself open minded and calm! In the last little while, my pregnancy has brought out the crazy in a few of my friends, the most recent conversation, I am seriously considering putting my phone in the toilet.

I get they're excited, I love that I have a great group of friends around me, but seriously......act NORMAL.

I had one friend snail mail me a four page letter on "being a Mom". It was filled with advice, experience, etc, which is great, but totally conversation worthy next time we're together (not random, unexpected mail -she lives locally) and at times made me feel like she was trying to say"oh she'll eat her words once her baby arrives" ...it didn't make me feel awesome. At times was preachy and quite frankly I'm not interested in parenting like she has. Love her as a friend, but will not model her parenting style (ie co-sleeping in her child's bed in his room, he is nearly 3)

Another friend messages 7 times a day (not kidding) "are you in labour" "can we come to the hospital to visit". I have never said I want any visitors (I don't want any) and quite honestly don't get when in a 24-48 hour hospital stay (if all goes normal/well) who beyond family would want to come....just wait until we get home.

And then there's one who I get fb messages from "I'm working at the hospital the week after you're due, won't it be great to have (me) a familiar face around while you're in labour?" Sorry....no, I don't want anyone I know except DH around me!

Then there's the friend who messages once a day "have you thought about what type of induction you'll ask for, make sure you don't get pitocin". Next day "make sure you don't end up needing a c-section". Next day "have your boobs started leaking" "when I went into labour, the doctor did this, now I regret letting him do that to me".

And then there's what just happened on bbm:
Friend: Did I read on twitter you're still thinking baby names?
Arabella.... Duuuh its in your wedding song! Pretty, unique but soundoutable
Me: Clueless on baby names!
Friend: Or it sounds like arabella anyways. Your wedding song was lost together correct?
Me: I don't think we're arabella people, lol. More plain/classic names prob.
Friend: Oh I like that name though! I almost didn't suggest it so I could hog, its normal enough. Coming from the plainest name ever. Nobody wants a real plain name.
Me: Lol hog away! I had to look at lyrics to see where it was in song and don't see it?
Friend: It sounds like it. I always say it hahaha, or maybe I'm singing another song actually
Me: Hmm yah, no idea where there's a name in the song, lol
Friend: I dunno. My english must be getting funny. Plus I'm mad sick and tired
Me:Nothing wrong with plain names and we're definitely considering some
Friend: I agree nothing, I hated growing up with 3 other in my class though

WTF! Arabella, Hannah, Matilda from someone I haven't heard from in over two months.....why hello, how are you doing today/lately?

I promise I'm not a life hating, b****, I promise I am calm, excited about this baby and typically very excited an open to suggestions about what's to come, but there are times when lines get crossed and I just think WTF....none of this is helpful. Maybe I'm the cold hearted one who doesn't know how to act around almost due preggo's, but right now, if I was in labour and I wanted to share? You'd hear from me! If they baby was here, and we wanted company/visitors? We'd be announcing and inviting! Our families aren't even all over us this much, it's crazy.

I'm an awful person, thank-you for letting me rant!