So for the past week+, I've noticed that the normal daycare teacher isn't there when I show up to pick up Xander. I kept meaning to ask where she was (she used to leave early, so I was wondering if maybe that's what was going on), but I just found out that she got let go!

I don't know all the details, but I guess a family member died and she wanted time off to grieve and so the daycare owner just let her go instead of giving her the time off! So now she's GONE. Xander LOVED her!!!! He really bonded with her and now she's just not there anymore. I'm so upset about the whole situation, but I'm not really sure what, if anything, I should do about it.

I don't really know the other women that are now taking care of Xander. They seem nice enough, but one of them is the one that fed her kids solids at six weeks and told me she didn't think breastmilk was very substantial. And I don't know the other woman AT ALL.

ALSO, the infant room is broken into two sections, separated by a railing. One side is for the non-mobile babies and the other side is for the crawlers/walkers. The reason for the separation is so that the non-mobile babies don't get hurt by the other babies running into them or anything. But ever since the beloved daycare teacher got let go, now when I pick up Xander, ALL the children are together! I've heard that one of the daycare teachers that is left isn't great about watching all the babies and that often the mobile babies will run into the non-mobile babies with baby walkers and stuff. She also doesn't spend a lot of time holding the babies, whereas the teacher that is gone used to ALWAYS be holding a baby, which is why the babies loved her so much.

I don't really know if there's anything I can or should do, but I just feel miserable at this whole thing. Xander loved loved loved his teacher, to the point where he'd pout at me when I picked him up and would get happy just looking at her! I have no idea if six month olds can be upset or hurt by having someone they love just disappear out of their lives like this or not, and I know daycares often have high turn overs... I'm just so upset... I'm crying at the knowledge that Xander will never see this woman who loved him so much ever again. And she LOVED him, just as much as he loved her! Every time I would tell her that he wouldn't be in the next day (I often have Fridays off and would keep Xander with me), she'd get sad at not seeing him. And now they will never see each other...

Am I just being totally over-reacting and emotional over this? What would you do?