Hellobee Boards


Best chapter books to read aloud to kindergarteners

  1. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    My 7 year old son has been enjoying the "Alien Next Door" series

  2. LemonJack

    persimmon / 1130 posts

    I love that ideas are still being posted on here! It’s super helpful! DD is now 5.5 and just got one of the Mercy Watson books. We also got her a kids version of Treasure Island for Christmas.

  3. ilovepie

    cherry / 150 posts

    I have been reading a lot of Roald Dhal to my 5 & 3 year old DS. I find myself editing some of the language as I read because the adults are so terrible!

    Some others we've loved were Prairie Girl, Wild Robot (starts sooo slow but the boys were into it by the end), and the Kingdom of Wrenly series. Also the Imagination Station books for my history loving boys.


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