Hellobee Boards


Beyond Miscarriage Support, v2.

  1. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @DesertDreams88: it's frustrating, I've brought it up to 2 family doctors (I'm in Canada and need a referral to see a obgyn). I've had a few blood tests and things have come back fine. I might bring it up again now though. What tests did they do to diagnose you?

    I got word from the doctor last night that my hcg was very close to zero yesterday so I don't need to have it tested again. This miscarriage passed so much easier than the last one. I'm really greatful for that.

  2. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @sslm: it's so frustrating when doctors dismiss your concerns! They tested my LH and FSH, as well as prolactin and thyroid to rule out those levels as causes. Then I had an ultrasound to confirm the presence of cysts.

  3. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @DesertDreams88: it's very frustrating!! I have had the bloodwork done and it all came back normal. Haven't asked for an u/s though.

    It's so hard to face TTC when you've had two losses. I'm scared it's just going to keep happening. Anyone else?

  4. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @sslm: yes, I had 2 back to back losses and now I'm just terrified it'll happen every time and for me, it seems likely since I have suspected poor egg quality. I'm sorry you are also in this position.

  5. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @travellingbee: mine weren't even back to back, I can't imagine how anxious I'd be in that situation

  6. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @sslm: yeah it sucks!

  7. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @sslm: I feel like that too, with the back to back losses. Like, as if it wasn't bad enough the first loss, I needed it again the next successful BFP? Thanks, universe.

    My gut was right, peeps. Our embryos are shit. We are going for a 3 day transfer today. Out of 5 embryos, only 3 survived the thaw .. And out of those 3, only one is on par. So, back it goes at 11am today. Thank god I was firm about thawing all of the remaining ones. ‪#‎badluckcontinues‬

    I feel like we're never going to get pregnant.

  8. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @sslm: ugh I just saw your news about your loss. I'm so sorry. I had two miscarriages with D&Cs and then a chemical pregnancy all within 6 months. The worry just doesn't go away....but we wanted it too much that we just had to keep trying. I think knowing we had 3 different types of loss and knowing that we could begin some testing after a next loss helped me keep going. But here I sit at almost 28 weeks pregnant and I'm still waiting for the bad news. I don't know if that will ever go away.

  9. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts


  10. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    So, we're back with a 3-day embryo on board. I am so completely gutted with how all this has gone. I feel sick. I think I'm cursed to watch everyone else go on and get pregnant, while I'm stuck behind. I always thought I was a strong person, but I'm almost at breaking point.

  11. Mrs. Pink

    GOLD / kiwi / 605 posts

    joining up- I had a D&C yesterday- this is my 2nd miscarriage, the first one though was back in 2007, with almost 6 years between that and my next pregnancy, which was successful- this one was 10 months after we stopped BC

    I got a BFP on Monday, which oddly was CD 11 for me, and the result was 1-2 weeks along, doc started progesterone shots immediately as I had issues before, and labs showed my progesterone was low, and HCG was 29, which was def. early.

    FF to Weds, we got labs back that showed HCG was below 20- and doc. suggested the D&C on Friday after ultrasound revealed lining was still thin.

    this was a whirlwind week... I feel like I'm probably going to crack soon as I haven't really had time for everything to sink in.

    My doc wants us to begin TTC again as soon as I feel healed from the D&C but I'm so worried it'll either take forever, like last time, or that I'll MC again

    They did send the tissue (I guess?) off for labs to see if we can figure out what happened. At this point it's impossible for me to figure out how far along I actually was since unless I ovulated super early, I may have been further along? I had AF on April 1st

  12. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    ugh, @Mrs. Pink, that does sound like a lot of emotional turmoil I hope you get to relax (from the whirlwind) and process things and have eventually soon have some peace.

  13. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @jaguar: That totally stinks. And I remember you saying this was the last of your embryos..... hopefully it was just waiting for its mama to make its home and start multiplying just like it should

  14. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @mamabolt - I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned about the age difference between my DD and any future baby. That's the one thing people keep on telling me doesn't matter, but I feel like it does. Or, at least it matters to me right now. I guess the hard part about growing up is realizing how little control you have over making things go the way you "planned." :o/
    @DesertDreams88 - thanks for the kind words. Things are getting better. Now that my hormones are getting back in sync, I don't feel so angry and the house feels more like normal

    I wanted to ask all of you ladies who have had D&Cs, how long did your doctors tell you to wait before TTC and how long did you actually wait? My dr wants us to wait two cycles (I had my D&C last week, so he wants us to wait for two auntie flows). My best friend and her sister both miscarried in the past - one miscarried naturally and the other had a D&E and despite their doctors' instructions, they both got pregnant after waiting one cycle. I don't know yet when I'm going to want to start trying, but I'm trying to figure out if I should even consider trying after the first cycle. My dr. said we should wait so the uterine lining builds back up but I don't understand why it wouldn't do that after one cycle.

  15. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Mrs. Pink: I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

    @poppygirl15: Two cycles after my d&c.

    @DesertDreams88: Yep, no more embryos now. I'm so scared of being back to no more options.

  16. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @poppygirl15: sorry for your loss just jumping back into say that we started trying immediately after my d&c--there is no medical research that suggests it is necessary to wait till you get AF (altho my OB said she has heard some anecdotal evidence that waiting til you get your first AF post procedure has better outcomes). Regardless, I was comfortable with our approach, and would not have wanted to wait two cycles unless there were extenuating circumstances (excessive bleeding, scarring, etc).

  17. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @poppygirl15: I am so sorry you are going through this. After my D&C, my doctor suggested waiting 3 months (which is totally medically unnecessary.) I did a lot of my own research and found that waiting after your first AF was fine. I didn't feel comfortable trying before that because I was concerned about adequate uterine lining. Fortunately, we conceived that cycle and all was well.

  18. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I have to say, reading stories about getting pregnant quickly again after miscarriages makes me feel even more broken. My friend just lost an early pregnancy last month, and has already conceived again. And another girl I know conceived TWINS after her first (and only) loss. It's great for them, but man... I'm just so jaded. I hate being stuck here in this rut.

  19. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @jaguar: ... yep. In retrospect, we were so dang lucky. Conceived on the 2nd cycle. Perfect timing in regards to life circumstances. Then, miscarriage. Then, incomplete miscarriage resulting emergency room visit and having to take misoprotol, bc apparently I can't even miscarry properly. Then, crazy long cycles. Then, PCOS diagnosis. Then, being told to take metformin, clomid, and progesterone. 10 months later and I just keep feeling like we're going backward.... not even stuck. Just backwards, and backwards, and backwards away from pregnancy or a baby. Like, how it is sensible that I am now doing infertility interventions, when I got pregnant on our 2nd try? ugh. If only that one had worked out.... and I know you have had a MUCH longer road than me, so I can only imagine a tiny part of yours.

  20. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @DesertDreams88: Right? That backwards feeling is the WORST. I know it all too well. Life sucks sometimes, it really does. There's good, yeah, but there seems to be SO MUCH NEGATIVE lately.

  21. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    (crossposting, generally) DH got his SA back today and had 1.5% morphology. Another giant step backwards. I am supposed to be 8 months pregnant right now. Instead, now both my husband AND I have infertility issues. So upset. I feel like we lost our only miracle baby and we'll never get pregnant. We are at least 2 years financially away from adopting.

  22. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I get where you're coming from. DH and I were perfectly happy NTNPing when I got pregnant (and then had a miscarriage). Since then, we've been firmly TTC for 14 months...nothing.

    If we hadn't had the previous pregnancy, I think we've be much more calm in NTNPing land figuring if it was meant to be, it would happen. But now that we KNOW we can get pregnant...it's like...such a tease.

    I've taken a break from the board for a while for no reason other than life is insane. We didn't get the house we put an offer in on, but we're working on another offer and love this house even more.

    And if we don't get an offer accepted soon, we'll have to start looking at short term rentals because we are moving out of our house at the end of may.

    And my thesis presentation is tomorrow night.

  23. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I miss you guys. I hope everyone is doing ok

    Thesis is done and I walk in graduation in two weeks.

    We got the second house we put an offer on and as long as everything goes ok with our loan (which we expect it should) we close at the end of the month.

    AF is due on Mother's day. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about the possibility of her not showing up, but my chart has looked better this month than possibly ever (and shouldn't good things happen in threes just like bad things do?)

    But it's so hard to be hopeful...

  24. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @MaryM: Hey hon, I'm glad you updated. I've missed you guys too! I went silent, as our last IVF just failed too, and we have no more options to move forward right now. I'm just a mess.

    I'm glad you're having some positives! xx

  25. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @jaguar: I checked in on the IF threads (just stalking, haven't officially announced myself) and saw your updates. So many hugs for you.

  26. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @MaryM: Thanks hon. I've had to take a step back because it's just been too hard being around the boards lately.

  27. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    So is anyone here still TTC? Feeling a bit alone right now. x

  28. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    I've been thinking about you lately @jaguar ! I know it's hard, this board has definitely died down due to mostly new BFPs which is a great, great reason, but it is hard to see people move on. I know for me, checking back in here is growing more difficult, as I try to look "forward" and not "backward." Not to forget, but just focus differently. And who knows what will happen with this squinter. I hope your new consult / appointent with the new clinic goes well!

  29. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @jaguar: I'm really sorry Jag. As soon as I posted my squint thread I kicked myself and hoped you had the POAS threads hidden...

  30. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @jaguar: I've never been pregnant, so I haven't dealt with a loss, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and wish you peace and strength as you evaluate your next steps.

  31. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I'm glad you guys can move forward.

    I don't really have anything to move forward to, so I'll just hang here for a while in case there are others who are stuck too and need some support.

    Curious if there is anyone else still here with me though?

  32. mamabolt

    nectarine / 2797 posts

    So sorry about your FET @jaguar.

    I'm still with you. Had follow up OB appointment 4 weeks out from D&C yesterday. I'm in good health, OB recommended waiting 2 periods to TTC so we are waiting for that. Was hoping to get chromosomal testing results but they weren't able to get cell growth so we will never know. I assume trisomy of some sort bc we had an very high NT measurement at 10 week scan but knowing for sure would have given closure.

  33. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @mamabolt: I'm sorry you didn't get your answer. We had bloods done for NT before finding out the baby had died, and our results were MAJORLY high risk - and bub had T21, so you are probably right with your assumption. Still, it's just so hard to not know. xx

  34. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @jaguar: I'm not around too often on this particular thread, but I'm still TTC. It's hard sometimes because it feels like so many of the people have moved on (some are even trying for their second!), and I'm still stuck in purgatory. I'm here for you!

  35. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: Right back at you, if you feel like a TTC buddy. x

  36. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @jaguar: I'm so sad you're still stuck trying as well, but it is nice to have a friend to fight through it with! Right back at you with being a TTC buddy.

  37. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: What's the plan with you this time hon? x

  38. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @jaguar: I'm still in the midst of the TWW. I don't feel any different, plus I Od later than he wanted, so not feeling too positive this cycle will work. Next time, were upping my dosage and trying again.

    What's your plan now?

  39. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: What day did you O? Hopefully you can prove him wrong this time around!

    Just jabbing here. Feels nice to be doing something again.

  40. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

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