If your LO is in a big kid bed, can they turn on the light in their room in the morning if they get up before you? Or do you have some other solution (like a portable nightlight)?

We just converted my toddler's crib to a toddler bed and she's doing great, but we use blackout curtains and I worry that it's too dark in the morning. She has been ok so far going to use her little potty and then getting back into bed, but I'd like her to be able to look at her books or toys if she is up before DH or I can get her. She can't reach any of the lightswitches though and her little night light is pretty dim. Not sure if I should give her access to a brighter light or if that will spell trouble if she doesn't want to go to bed in the evenings.

Edited to add: We put something on her door so she can't open it, which is why it is so dark. Her bedroom is on the 2nd floor and ours is on the 3rd, and I don't want her on the stairs in the dark.