DH and I finally did our hospital/birth center tour last night. I'm 31 weeks so we still have alot of time but I am SO hoping these next 9 weeks fly by super fast! This is my second time giving birth and I am really hoping for a completely different experience then the first. With DS I had a complicated birth and was induced. I ended up with an Epi at 7cm and was stuck in the same position my entire labor due to his heart rate issues during labor. We almost ended in a C Section but thankfully were able to avoid it! This time I want a very natural birth I would like to go completely med free but do understand I may need to be induced. I have a different doctor this time around and I am giving birth in a different hospital. My Dr. seemed pretty supportive of my natural birth plans so I haven't gotten nervous about it until last night. The nurse that gave us our tour has NEVER seen a natural birth EVER! The center only has 2 birthing balls so I asked if I should bring my own in which she responded "No because she has never seen anyone use them, everyone just gets the Epi when the pain gets to be to much". Next issue is they only have 1 room with a tub all the other rooms have a shower. She said they usually keep the tub room open but if we ask for it when we get there that maybe they will be able to give it to me. She also said it's policy that I cannot be in the tub after my water breaks. I was just so blown away by how anti natural birth the hospital seems to be. I'm really affraid they are going to push me to take the meds. Ugh I wish home birth was legal in my state but sadly it is not. We also do not have any real birth centers near us. Boooo this really stinks and now I am so nervous I'm not going to get a chance to experience labor and birth the way I was hoping to.