Did you take any photos during childbirth? Did a relative/friend take photos or did you hire a photographer?
Did you take any photos during childbirth? Did a relative/friend take photos or did you hire a photographer?
pomelo / 5178 posts
I don't think birth photos are for me, but I love looking at the pictures other people take/have taken! I've seen some really beautiful/moving birth photos from other families, mostly professionally done.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I have photos of right after she was on my belly, but not of the birth
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
DH took a bunch. Lots of cool pics of LO coming out into the world!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Honeybee: agreed!
all the professional birth photos I've seen are AMAZING. the kind I would totally put in an album if I could... I might consider it for #2.
My mom took photos but she's not that great of a photographer and even though I asked her to try and get shots not showing everything... she didn't do so great. like the shot of DH cutting the umbilical cord totally shows all my post-delivery girly bits. Not cool!!! I wish some of the photos were usable.
I LOVE Msmini's birth photos - you should ask to see hers. They're incredible.
@highwire: that's so awesome! Have you seen her work? is she good?
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@Coco Bee: She is! And she is about to attend a birth photography seminar as well, so I expect she will gather a few more tips and tricks there as well
grapefruit / 4056 posts
My Dh did ours, but he is an amazing photographer (not pro, because he doesn't like to take pictures unless he feels like it). I them so much!
coconut / 8681 posts
We don't have any and I don't think I'd ever want to have them done for myself but I LOVE the ones that I see of other people!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
My doula snapped some pictures when I was pushing and when she first came out. She also took a few during our first nursing session. They were just with our point and shoot, and I look like a HOT mess, nothing I would want to share with the world, but those pictures are so precious to me. I love love love the one of her as soon as she came out and the dotor held her up. Our brand new baby girl
pomegranate / 3983 posts
DH took some- they came out pretty good and I love that I have them.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
I had a c-section with both pregnancies, we have a few right after DD was born. With DS we have a picture that was taken by one of the doctors, and you can see the OB/GYN sewing me up! Like his arm is bloody up to his elbow and there is a string! It is HILARIOUS!
Does that count as a birth photo?
coconut / 8305 posts
I wanted birth photography so bad! I don't have a single photo of me in labor at all, and I had a loooooooong labor. The photographer that was going to come ended up with a stomach flu.
TBH I'm still sad that we didn't have birth photos. =(
pomegranate / 3890 posts
the nurse had my camera and managed to get some nice ones during my c section we have ones where we saw each other for the first time and ones where they pulled him out.
honeydew / 7589 posts
I have a birth photographer booked. I told her she is welcome to get "the crowning shot", but I want plenty of safe ones that I can share with friends and family.
She has a beautiful portfolio.
bananas / 9357 posts
My doula took photos right after he was born and on my chest. She also took photos of our first nursing session. And she took some while I was laboring at home. They are definitely just for me and my dh's eyes only. But I'm glad I have them.
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I have seen some beautiful pics of L&D on my newborn photog's website and she offered me a package to do it but I decided that it might be too much for me to deal with. My parents are flying in the day before my induction, so they'll be at the hospital, and I want it to be as calm as possible, and I just kind of felt like adding a photographer to the mix might make things a little too hectic. I wouldn't be able to just ignore her, no matter how much she tried to stay out of the way.
And I don't want the pressure of worrying about how I look...I know that most people don't care while they're in the middle of delivering, but unfortunately, I am stupidly self-conscious and I'll be wondering how awful I look the whole time. I don't want the added pressure of a camera around. Not to mention that our newborn pics are going to end up costing us a fortune by the time everything is said and done, so I don't need to add costs!
papaya / 10560 posts
I think it would be neat. I had a super quick labor and delivery experience and there was literally NO time to take pics! DH said he took a couple and the nurses took the rest, but we only have a few...wish we had more...plus I barely remember my L & D so it would be nice to have them.
blogger / pear / 1964 posts
My doula includes photography, but until reading this thread, I just thought these photos would mean nothing but crotch shots - now I'm rethinking all the other moments she could potentially capture. I guess it's something to consider...
honeydew / 7589 posts
@Mrs. Tricycle: I offer birth photography to my doula clients, but I never take crotch shots unless they ask for them. I take photos of Mom and Dad during labor, baby on Mom's chest right after it's born, etc.
nectarine / 2127 posts
I understand why people would do this, but I don't want any pictures taken, before, during, or immediately after the birth. I hope the first pictures of LO are when he's been cleaned up and dressed... I personally don't like seeing pictures of babies still covered in blood, amniotic fluid, etc., especially when it's an acquaintance's photo that they've posted on Facebook...
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
DH took a video but it's for our own private viewing, no one elses. I kind of wish we would have a few photos of her on my belly though. Just snuggles while they were stitching me up.
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