I just posted this in my due date board, but I thought I'd open it up. Here's my birth plan. I tried not to put obvious stuff in there (of course I'd like to avoid a c-section) and only focus on stuff that would be more up in the air and under our control. I don't want to be too high maintenance, so I tried to just focus on what was important.
Suggestions welcome!
Birth Preferences list
Mother: Jackie (26)
Father: John (26) (Married for two years)
First child
I have Interstitial Cystitis (a painful, chronic bladder condition) and Vulvodynia (a painful condition of the vulva). Because of these problems, I am very concerned how they will affect labor and also how labor will impact my future with these conditions. I know these are somewhat rare problems, so please ask if you have any questions about them!
*Present in the room: Husband and doula. Family members can visit when I am not in active labor (check with me or husband).
*Because of my IC and VV, I plan on getting an epidural. I would like to labor as long as possible without one though and to use natural pain relief - tub, birthing ball, etc.
*Please inform me of everything going on. Clear any procedures with me or my husband first, including vaginal checks.
*I would like to labor down after receiving an epidural and wait until I feel the urge to push to push.
*We do not know the sex! Please let husband announce it to me.
*I would like to avoid an episiotomy and would prefer to tear naturally.
*We are choosing to delay cord clamping for at least two minutes, or until the cord stops pulsing (per AAP recent guidelines).
*Please place the baby on my chest immediately after birth. *Please perform any newborn checks that you can on my chest and delay other procedures until the baby has had a chance to breastfeed. Please no visitors until after the baby has fed.
*We would like to have all vaccinations.
*Breastfeeding is very important to us. I have inverted nipples and anticipate needing some help.
*Please do not give the baby any formula or pacifiers.
In case of emergency:
*In case of a C-section, husband and doula will be present. *Please narrate the surgery so we know what is happening.
*Husband should stay with baby (if possible) if there is an emergency after birth. If baby is OK and I am not, husband should have skin to skin contact with the baby.
*In case of impending death (baby), husband, mother, or qualified person should baptize baby. In case of impending death (mother), please call a priest to administer last rites.