Hi all!
I was hoping to get some feedback on the rough draft of my birth plan (parts of which were blatantly stolen from other bees--sorry Shimmer, and thanks!) It's one page in Word (and is formatted with bullet points), with a second page specifically for a c-sec that we thought we could pull out if needed.
Is it clear and concise? Do I repeat myself anywhere? Miss anything big? Any feedback is appreciated. I'm still undecided if I want my mother and/or SIL with me, so that's something I might need to add?
I should add that hep-locks are standard/required at my hospital, and the hospital prefers to allow women to tear naturally rather than giving episiotomies.
We have created this birth plan in order to outline some of our preferences for birth. We understand that the following are preferences and understand the need to be flexible as many of these are contingent on the health of me and the baby and the normal, steady progression of labor. We do not want to replace the medical personnel, but instead wish to be informed of any procedures in advance, and to be allowed the chance to give informed consent. In the event that I am unable to give informed consent, my husband David McK (from here on referred to as the Father) will act as my proxy. Please keep him informed and allow him to read over and sign any consent forms if I am unable.
Please feel free to ask if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!
I understand that Penn State Hershey is a teaching hospital, and am comfortable with medical students observing my progress and treatments, but not with their active participation.
I would prefer that the Father be allowed to remain in the room for all exams and procedures.
Please do not offer an epidural. I will request one if needed.
Please do, however, inform me if there is a “last chance” to receive an epidural.
Please allow me to labor in different positions (walking, birthing ball, etc).
Baby’s health permitting, I would prefer that fetal monitoring be performed intermittently with an external monitor.
Please keep vaginal exams to a minimum.
Please avoid induction (Pitocin or membrane scraping or rupturing) unless deemed medically necessary.
If necessary, first methods used should be a membrane sweep and/or breaking of the waters.
If Pitocin is required, I would prefer to start and stay at the lowest effective dose.
Unless medically necessary, please avoid the use of forceps or a vacuum.
If epidural has not been administered, please allow me the freedom to push from a position I find natural (squatting, on my knees, etc).
To help my perineum stretch, please help guide my pushing efforts by letting me know when to start and when to stop.
Please allow the Father to announce the baby’s gender.
Please place the baby on my stomach or chest immediately after delivery.
I would prefer that the umbilical cord be allowed to cease pulsating before clamping and cutting.
The Father does not wish to cut the umbilical cord.
If possible, please allow newborn exams to be performed with baby on my chest.
Please refrain from administering the Vitamin K shot and eye drops until after the baby has been nursed and has had at least an hour of skin to skin contact.
Unless it is medically necessary to be separated, I would like to hold the baby for at least the first hour following the birth.
If the baby must go to the nursery or NICU for evaluation or medical treatment, the Father will accompany the baby.
I plan to breastfeed and wish to nurse immediately after birth.
Please do not give the baby supplements, including formula, glucose or plain water without my or the Father’s consent.
Please do not give the baby a bottle or pacifier.
If the child is a boy, we are not planning to circumcise.
Please do not administer general anesthesia without my consent.
Please allow the Father (and another Support Person if desired) to be present as early during delivery and surgery as possible.
Please do not strap my arms to the table unless medically necessary.
I would prefer a low traverse incision.
Please do not perform a hysterectomy without the informed consent of me or the Father.